Carol Simpson

Summary Period: August 2023
Generated 03-Sep-2023 04:27 GMT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2023
Total Hits 112288
Total Files 82888
Total Pages 101366
Total Visits 30256
Total KBytes 1536907
Total Unique Sites 11599
Total Unique URLs 2148
Total Unique Referrers 2835
Total Unique User Agents 2050
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 161 6627
Hits per Day 3872 11924
Files per Day 2858 10654
Pages per Day 3495 11165
Sites per Day 399 1114
Visits per Day 1043 1558
KBytes per Day 52997 89588
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 73.82% 82888
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 2
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 8.88% 9968
Code 302 - Found 0.15% 171
Code 304 - Not Modified 1.58% 1771
Code 400 - Bad Request 1.39% 1560
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.02% 18
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.27% 305
Code 404 - Not Found 13.39% 15031
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.09% 96
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.02% 19
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.41% 459

Daily usage for August 2023

Daily Statistics for August 2023
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
3 3460 3.08% 2736 3.30% 3159 3.12% 982 3.25% 755 6.51% 45436 2.96%
4 3187 2.84% 2381 2.87% 2729 2.69% 1215 4.02% 935 8.06% 53484 3.48%
5 3227 2.87% 2526 3.05% 3057 3.02% 1082 3.58% 759 6.54% 43329 2.82%
6 2944 2.62% 1907 2.30% 2658 2.62% 960 3.17% 706 6.09% 45852 2.98%
7 2295 2.04% 1567 1.89% 2029 2.00% 985 3.26% 825 7.11% 45228 2.94%
8 3157 2.81% 2281 2.75% 2910 2.87% 1168 3.86% 961 8.29% 49648 3.23%
9 2109 1.88% 1368 1.65% 1865 1.84% 931 3.08% 760 6.55% 39310 2.56%
10 3075 2.74% 2033 2.45% 2785 2.75% 1196 3.95% 971 8.37% 46694 3.04%
11 3545 3.16% 2127 2.57% 2792 2.75% 974 3.22% 772 6.66% 51825 3.37%
12 2894 2.58% 1977 2.39% 2726 2.69% 1007 3.33% 729 6.29% 61250 3.99%
13 6623 5.90% 5774 6.97% 6348 6.26% 914 3.02% 754 6.50% 58112 3.78%
14 2181 1.94% 1299 1.57% 1927 1.90% 908 3.00% 707 6.10% 46752 3.04%
15 7641 6.80% 6634 8.00% 7401 7.30% 982 3.25% 774 6.67% 69765 4.54%
16 2514 2.24% 1794 2.16% 2231 2.20% 1178 3.89% 902 7.78% 42316 2.75%
17 10040 8.94% 8527 10.29% 9618 9.49% 1153 3.81% 924 7.97% 89588 5.83%
18 3855 3.43% 1771 2.14% 3466 3.42% 1558 5.15% 850 7.33% 43330 2.82%
19 3325 2.96% 1896 2.29% 2957 2.92% 960 3.17% 743 6.41% 60794 3.96%
20 3378 3.01% 2079 2.51% 2558 2.52% 1217 4.02% 946 8.16% 55742 3.63%
21 3239 2.88% 2531 3.05% 3025 2.98% 985 3.26% 695 5.99% 53595 3.49%
22 2754 2.45% 1770 2.14% 2523 2.49% 1324 4.38% 1114 9.60% 45050 2.93%
23 2867 2.55% 1979 2.39% 2604 2.57% 1173 3.88% 921 7.94% 52834 3.44%
24 2439 2.17% 1686 2.03% 2161 2.13% 1202 3.97% 914 7.88% 52375 3.41%
25 1939 1.73% 1191 1.44% 1629 1.61% 887 2.93% 735 6.34% 51114 3.33%
26 1913 1.70% 1245 1.50% 1515 1.49% 952 3.15% 768 6.62% 39411 2.56%
27 6634 5.91% 6010 7.25% 6257 6.17% 975 3.22% 763 6.58% 74628 4.86%
28 11924 10.62% 10654 12.85% 11165 11.01% 917 3.03% 761 6.56% 79039 5.14%
29 3350 2.98% 2177 2.63% 3019 2.98% 871 2.88% 779 6.72% 53827 3.50%
30 2635 2.35% 1424 1.72% 1894 1.87% 800 2.64% 697 6.01% 50365 3.28%
31 3144 2.80% 1544 1.86% 2358 2.33% 809 2.67% 724 6.24% 36214 2.36%

Hourly usage for August 2023

Hourly Statistics for August 2023
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 147 4291 3.82% 80 2348 2.83% 127 3706 3.66% 2270 65824 4.28%
1 145 4225 3.76% 100 2912 3.51% 132 3828 3.78% 2484 72032 4.69%
2 267 7749 6.90% 228 6638 8.01% 253 7352 7.25% 2616 75852 4.94%
3 128 3736 3.33% 94 2730 3.29% 118 3434 3.39% 2235 64820 4.22%
4 99 2871 2.56% 68 1984 2.39% 81 2357 2.33% 1730 50183 3.27%
5 134 3887 3.46% 75 2196 2.65% 118 3446 3.40% 2209 64060 4.17%
6 95 2757 2.46% 62 1799 2.17% 80 2336 2.30% 1647 47758 3.11%
7 259 7519 6.70% 226 6576 7.93% 249 7232 7.13% 2239 64935 4.23%
8 108 3147 2.80% 71 2062 2.49% 85 2475 2.44% 1746 50625 3.29%
9 82 2403 2.14% 58 1689 2.04% 71 2079 2.05% 1555 45083 2.93%
10 111 3234 2.88% 71 2078 2.51% 83 2417 2.38% 1900 55107 3.59%
11 258 7494 6.67% 225 6547 7.90% 240 6988 6.89% 2348 68105 4.43%
12 95 2771 2.47% 63 1840 2.22% 81 2357 2.33% 1866 54100 3.52%
13 252 7332 6.53% 204 5919 7.14% 240 6960 6.87% 2460 71351 4.64%
14 152 4429 3.94% 109 3178 3.83% 132 3854 3.80% 1940 56260 3.66%
15 351 10207 9.09% 281 8156 9.84% 336 9756 9.62% 3300 95711 6.23%
16 119 3470 3.09% 75 2197 2.65% 104 3035 2.99% 2007 58211 3.79%
17 308 8958 7.98% 264 7668 9.25% 292 8476 8.36% 3158 91584 5.96%
18 98 2855 2.54% 57 1675 2.02% 82 2400 2.37% 1965 56976 3.71%
19 112 3263 2.91% 71 2059 2.48% 97 2836 2.80% 2685 77859 5.07%
20 93 2715 2.42% 63 1852 2.23% 81 2371 2.34% 1954 56665 3.69%
21 177 5153 4.59% 123 3588 4.33% 161 4693 4.63% 2205 63945 4.16%
22 113 3278 2.92% 74 2146 2.59% 98 2851 2.81% 2192 63578 4.14%
23 156 4544 4.05% 105 3051 3.68% 142 4127 4.07% 2286 66285 4.31%

Top 20 of 2148 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 28720 25.58% 101627 6.61% /wp-login.php
2 6148 5.48% 3427 0.22% /xmlrpc.php
3 5692 5.07% 253167 16.47% /
4 4683 4.17% 16557 1.08% /blog//wp-login.php
5 3875 3.45% 206751 13.45% /uptown-uprising-and-the-right-to-the-city/
6 2063 1.84% 9185 0.60% /WEBALIZER_REPORTS/
7 1246 1.11% 1065 0.07% /robots.txt
8 1185 1.06% 26997 1.76% /contact-me/
9 1059 0.94% 195459 12.72% /feed/
10 814 0.72% 8017 0.52% /wp-content/plugins/si-contact-form/captcha/securimage_show.php
11 811 0.72% 85799 5.58% /feed/atom/
12 535 0.48% 881 0.06% /wp-includes/js/wp-embed.min.js
13 362 0.32% 195 0.01% /harvest/xmlrpc.php
14 329 0.29% 48 0.00% /favicon.ico
15 275 0.24% 307 0.02% /WEBALIZER_REPORTS/
16 259 0.23% 301 0.02% /dad/
17 249 0.22% 212 0.01% /DELETE/
18 236 0.21% 424 0.03% /WWW_REPORTS/
19 222 0.20% 148 0.01% /
20 205 0.18% 134 0.01% /
View All URLs

Top 10 of 2148 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 5692 5.07% 253167 16.47% /
2 3875 3.45% 206751 13.45% /uptown-uprising-and-the-right-to-the-city/
3 1059 0.94% 195459 12.72% /feed/
4 28720 25.58% 101627 6.61% /wp-login.php
5 811 0.72% 85799 5.58% /feed/atom/
6 19 0.02% 65114 4.24% /dad/Memorial_Service_Handout.doc
7 1185 1.06% 26997 1.76% /contact-me/
8 4683 4.17% 16557 1.08% /blog//wp-login.php
9 64 0.06% 14864 0.97% /category/unions/feed/
10 129 0.11% 13111 0.85% /author/bobbo/

Top 20 of 968 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5692 5.07% 5444 22.30% /
2 6148 5.48% 3498 14.33% /xmlrpc.php
3 28720 25.58% 1870 7.66% /wp-login.php
4 2063 1.84% 1406 5.76% /WEBALIZER_REPORTS/
5 3875 3.45% 767 3.14% /uptown-uprising-and-the-right-to-the-city/
6 1185 1.06% 451 1.85% /contact-me/
7 1059 0.94% 435 1.78% /feed/
8 811 0.72% 427 1.75% /feed/atom/
9 362 0.32% 341 1.40% /harvest/xmlrpc.php
10 222 0.20% 127 0.52% /
11 197 0.18% 122 0.50% /WWW_REPORTS/
12 275 0.24% 118 0.48% /WEBALIZER_REPORTS/
13 123 0.11% 116 0.48% /wp-cron.php
14 189 0.17% 110 0.45% /WWW_REPORTS/
15 205 0.18% 109 0.45% /
16 259 0.23% 98 0.40% /dad/
17 179 0.16% 97 0.40% /WWW_REPORTS/
18 249 0.22% 96 0.39% /DELETE/
19 173 0.15% 93 0.38% /WWW_REPORTS/
20 203 0.18% 88 0.36% /WWW_REPORTS/www/

Top 20 of 986 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 5692 5.07% 4993 17.96% /
2 6148 5.48% 4804 17.28% /xmlrpc.php
3 3875 3.45% 2259 8.12% /uptown-uprising-and-the-right-to-the-city/
4 2063 1.84% 1406 5.06% /WEBALIZER_REPORTS/
5 28720 25.58% 1347 4.84% /wp-login.php
6 1059 0.94% 990 3.56% /feed/
7 811 0.72% 766 2.75% /feed/atom/
8 1185 1.06% 527 1.90% /contact-me/
9 362 0.32% 341 1.23% /harvest/xmlrpc.php
10 275 0.24% 162 0.58% /WEBALIZER_REPORTS/
11 259 0.23% 147 0.53% /dad/
12 249 0.22% 136 0.49% /DELETE/
13 199 0.18% 126 0.45% /DELETE/media/
14 203 0.18% 126 0.45% /WWW_REPORTS/www/
15 197 0.18% 122 0.44% /WWW_REPORTS/
16 222 0.20% 122 0.44% /
17 123 0.11% 117 0.42% /wp-cron.php
18 169 0.15% 116 0.42% /DELETE/media/jce_im_cache/
19 189 0.17% 114 0.41% /WWW_REPORTS/
20 236 0.21% 112 0.40% /WWW_REPORTS/

Top 30 of 11599 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 8959 7.98% 8949 10.80% 32020 2.08% 4 0.01%
2 4477 3.99% 4471 5.39% 15792 1.03% 2 0.01%
3 4476 3.99% 4471 5.39% 15996 1.04% 3 0.01%
4 4476 3.99% 4471 5.39% 15993 1.04% 2 0.01%
5 4474 3.98% 4469 5.39% 15992 1.04% 2 0.01%
6 1111 0.99% 821 0.99% 15494 1.01% 1 0.00%
7 1095 0.98% 816 0.98% 15282 0.99% 1 0.00%
8 971 0.86% 950 1.15% 3732 0.24% 5 0.02%
9 929 0.83% 689 0.83% 10166 0.66% 9 0.03%
10 753 0.67% 609 0.73% 2250 0.15% 5 0.02%
11 730 0.65% 561 0.68% 10989 0.72% 1 0.00%
12 729 0.65% 551 0.66% 10073 0.66% 1 0.00%
13 724 0.64% 517 0.62% 36881 2.40% 204 0.67%
14 701 0.62% 696 0.84% 2574 0.17% 2 0.01%
15 695 0.62% 523 0.63% 9342 0.61% 1 0.00%
16 693 0.62% 374 0.45% 63339 4.12% 298 0.98%
17 674 0.60% 669 0.81% 2475 0.16% 2 0.01%
18 672 0.60% 669 0.81% 2555 0.17% 2 0.01%
19 658 0.59% 329 0.40% 17646 1.15% 227 0.75%
20 650 0.58% 325 0.39% 17431 1.13% 240 0.79%
21 628 0.56% 314 0.38% 16841 1.10% 230 0.76%
22 547 0.49% 20 0.02% 3918 0.25% 31 0.10% undefined.hostname.localhost
23 538 0.48% 269 0.32% 14428 0.94% 210 0.69%
24 533 0.47% 294 0.35% 47059 3.06% 230 0.76%
25 505 0.45% 46 0.06% 4379 0.28% 1 0.00%
26 476 0.42% 5 0.01% 3655 0.24% 1 0.00%
27 471 0.42% 471 0.57% 774 0.05% 0 0.00%
28 470 0.42% 235 0.28% 12604 0.82% 178 0.59%
29 458 0.41% 3 0.00% 3456 0.22% 1 0.00%
30 456 0.41% 251 0.30% 40338 2.62% 192 0.63%

Top 10 of 11599 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 382 0.34% 381 0.46% 63952 4.16% 303 1.00%
2 693 0.62% 374 0.45% 63339 4.12% 298 0.98%
3 533 0.47% 294 0.35% 47059 3.06% 230 0.76%
4 456 0.41% 251 0.30% 40338 2.62% 192 0.63%
5 724 0.64% 517 0.62% 36881 2.40% 204 0.67%
6 8959 7.98% 8949 10.80% 32020 2.08% 4 0.01%
7 320 0.28% 182 0.22% 27296 1.78% 140 0.46%
8 200 0.18% 155 0.19% 26944 1.75% 153 0.51%
9 658 0.59% 329 0.40% 17646 1.15% 227 0.75%
10 650 0.58% 325 0.39% 17431 1.13% 240 0.79%

Top 50 of 2835 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 57213 50.95% - (Direct Request)
2 24670 21.97%
3 4677 4.17%
4 3606 3.21%
5 3233 2.88%
6 2003 1.78%
7 827 0.74%
8 660 0.59%
9 644 0.57%
10 566 0.50%
11 247 0.22%
12 191 0.17%
13 169 0.15%
14 155 0.14%
15 151 0.13%
16 137 0.12%
17 132 0.12%
18 127 0.11%
19 121 0.11%
20 106 0.09%
21 95 0.08%
22 93 0.08%
23 89 0.08%
24 86 0.08%
25 85 0.08%
26 81 0.07%
27 76 0.07%
28 75 0.07%
29 74 0.07%
30 74 0.07%
31 72 0.06%
32 72 0.06%
33 71 0.06%
34 71 0.06%
35 66 0.06%
36 64 0.06%
37 64 0.06%
38 61 0.05%
39 61 0.05%
40 60 0.05%
41 58 0.05%
42 57 0.05%
43 57 0.05%
44 57 0.05%
45 55 0.05%
46 55 0.05%
47 55 0.05%
48 55 0.05%
49 54 0.05%
50 52 0.05%
View All Referrers

Top 15 of 2050 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 27670 24.64% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/95.0.4638.69 Safari/537.36
2 6328 5.64% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
3 4538 4.04% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
4 3734 3.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.85 Safari/537.36
5 2207 1.97% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
6 2180 1.94% UniversalFeedParser/5.1.3 +
7 2154 1.92% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
8 1979 1.76% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.108 Safari/537.36
9 1895 1.69% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
10 1695 1.51% Mozlila/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-G892A Bulid/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/60.0.31
11 1669 1.49% Go-http-client/1.1
12 1541 1.37% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:62.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/62.0
13 1540 1.37% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
14 1454 1.29% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/95.0
15 1405 1.25% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.129 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for August 2023

Top 20 of 108 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 63101 56.20% 47205 56.95% 866543 56.38% Unresolved/Unknown
2 27721 24.69% 22477 27.12% 374890 24.39% Commercial (com)
3 6940 6.18% 4442 5.36% 122609 7.98% Network (net)
4 4853 4.32% 3135 3.78% 57557 3.75% Germany
5 4114 3.66% 1457 1.76% 23718 1.54% European Union
6 1398 1.25% 1048 1.26% 42566 2.77% Russian Federation
7 1112 0.99% 718 0.87% 16833 1.10% Non-Profit (org)
8 398 0.35% 396 0.48% 449 0.03% Address Routing (arpa)
9 296 0.26% 165 0.20% 4071 0.26% Czech Republic
10 234 0.21% 83 0.10% 2614 0.17% British Indian Ocean Territory
11 196 0.17% 158 0.19% 5634 0.37% Ukraine
12 183 0.16% 146 0.18% 2474 0.16% Netherlands
13 155 0.14% 136 0.16% 4258 0.28% Israel
14 135 0.12% 91 0.11% 793 0.05% Brazil
15 130 0.12% 92 0.11% 1260 0.08% China
16 97 0.09% 81 0.10% 244 0.02% United Kingdom
17 93 0.08% 90 0.11% 236 0.02% Viet Nam
18 67 0.06% 61 0.07% 269 0.02% India
19 53 0.05% 39 0.05% 456 0.03% United States
20 52 0.05% 50 0.06% 235 0.02% Canada

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23