CWLU Historical Archive
Memos, newsletters, leaflets, position papers, general documents, recordings, and announcements tell the story of how the CWLU evolved and reveal the concerns of its members. Other collections of CWLU materials reside at Northwestern University's Charles Deering McCormick Library of Special Collections, the Chicago Historical Society, the Library of Congress, Harvard's Schlesinger Library and the Los Angeles Center for the Study of Political Graphics. These
are historical documents and do not necessarily represent the
views of the CWLU or its individual members. Classic Feminist Writings These are the articles, pamphlets, manifestoes, and stories produced by the women's liberation movement that helped influence the thinking of CWLU members. Consciousness
Liberation School, issues of race and class, Womankind, theoretical papers and more. Family Housework, lesbian motherhood, childcare issues/programs, communal living. Organizing Annual conferences, outreach, workgroup agendas and evaluations, CWLU goals. Sexuality Lesbianism, Blazing Star, womens sexual identities, feminist writings on female sexuality and more. Health Sterilization abuse, Chicago Maternity Center, birthing, abortion (Jane, the Abortion Task Force, HERS), rape counseling, popular literature. Work DARE and the janitresses case, CWLU writings on equal employment, and female labor questions. Internationalism The CWLU China trip, imperialism, the Southeast Asia War, and women in communist countries.