R*E*P*O*R*T 1*9*7*6 C*O*N*F*E*R*E*N*C*E
(Editors Note: This is a 1976 conference report of the CWLU Lesbian
Group, better known as Blazing Star, a name taken from their highly
successful newsletter.)
Conference Report: CWLU Lesbian Group.
With Other CWLU Groups
With Other Groups
Speaking, and Outreach
STAR Proposal
Does a Unionwide Issue Fit Into a Strategy?
Would a Unionwide Issue Work?
Should the Union-wide Issue Be?
Would Equal Rights Fit Into Our Work?
above outline indicates what follows in this report. Part 1 is a
description of our activities over the past year. Part 2 is a discussion
of some ideas that have been raised within the work group. They
are an effort to address some of the problems we see in our work.
We do not see these as a finished product nor is there unanimity
within the group around them. We hope that, they can be a vehicle
for discussion at the conference.
the year since the last CWLU Conference, the Lesbian Group has had
some ups & downs. At the time of last years conference
the state of the Lesbian Group was pretty good. We were publishing
BLAZING STAR with some regularity: we had plans for some Liberation
School classes; we fielded some sports teams in the leagues organized
by SECRET STORM and we had some fairly ambitious plans for sponsoring
some educationals and doing some writing and publishing.
the internal disputes & political split this spring had a pretty
disastrous effect on us. Politically we were clearly on the side
of Planning Committee-no way would we support the politics
of smash feminism, oppose homosexualitybut the
Lesbian Group was in danger of falling apart because a couple of
our most active members were burned out by their intensive involvement
in the Unionwide struggle. There were several other people
who had just become active in the Lesbian Group at the time, who
dropped out or became less active, because they had a hard time
dealing with the struggle and had not really become well integrated
into the group yet.
this spring & summer, we held almost no meetings & did very
little work. Since about midsummer, we have begun to get back
on our feet. We have several new members, & have been meeting
regularly. The rest of this report will deal with each of our projects:
STAR: One of our major projects has been publishing BLAZING
STAR on a fairly regular basis. We had one issue in January but
then didnt do another til July. Our last two issues (July
& October) have been much larger than past issues. Weve
included more articles on work & health, as well as legislation,
lesbian mothers, & upcoming events. Our circulation seems to
be increasing, & weve been praised for recent improvements
in graphics.
Educationals: At the beginning
of the year, with money from the American Issues Forum, we planned
several educationals: with Elaine Noble on politics: a slide show
on health from the Gay Nurses Association; lesbian mothers: and
gay workers. The one on gay workers never came off. Of the others,
Elaine Noble was probably the most successfulit drew the
largest audience. The one on lesbian mothers drew the smallest
audience, but the Lesbian Mothers Group started out of it.
recently, we are trying to start up again on a series of educationals.
We just did one on gay rights legislation--it was not too well
attended, but the people who were there learned a lot.
Work with other CWLU groups :
The main groups weve worked with have been SECRET STORM
with sports teams and some educational work; and Liberation School,
with our class, The Lesbian Experience. With SECRET
STORM, there have been teams sponsored by lesbian bars & partially
organized by us in several leagues throughout the last two years.
In LS, we did The Lesbian Experience last fall &
this spring, & we had plans for other courses (e.g., Lesbian
Literature) which fell through because there were not enough conveners
for both courses. Wed like to do The Lesbian Experience this
spring, either as part of LS or on our own.
Work with other groups : We
work with the Gay Rights Task Force and with the Gay & Lesbian
Coalition of Metropolitan Chicago. GRTF is primarily concerned with
legislation-our involvement has been minimal, but will probably
increase when more work had to be done. We have played a fairly
active role in the Coalition (considering that only two of us from
CWLU are involved), but weve often had a hard time dealing
with the sexism and racism. The Coalition is just now trying to
do some education to combat sexism and racism, and we are taking
a leading role in that effort.
speaking and outreach: We have some unpublished material (our coming out
papers) that we have been meaning to publish but have never gotten
around to, as well as some other ideas for writing. We hope to
publish them this year.
As usual,
we have been the main resource people within CWLU for speaking
engagements on lesbianism. We have done several speeches, and also
one program on CWLUs radio show. Our outreach, aside from whats
listed above, is mostly hanging out in lesbian bars & coffeehouses
& going to other lesbian activities.
STAR was formed almost two years ago out of the old CWLU lesbian
group. Our group reports in this and last years conference packets
and our reports in the CWLU NEWS indicate the kind of work weve
been doing. Our group was started purposely as a part of CWLU: we
felt that it was important, even vital, to the work we wanted to
do, to be part of a socialist-feminist (or whatever
you want to call it) womens organization. It was important
because we believed that the oppression of gay people is related
to that of women and all people, and that link had to be made clear
through both our theory and practice. We also felt that as lesbians
with socialist oriented politics that we had an important role to
play in educating the left about gay oppression and liberation.
Finally we wanted to put into practice the ideas we had learned
about mass work from others in CWLU, particularly SECRET STORM:
we also recognized that we had much to learn about mass work both
from our own work and that of others.
points are still important to us, and, with some variations, we
think they are important to all Union groups. One of the slogans
weve used is unity is our strength by
being a part of one organization, our work and ideas can have
more effect than if we act as individuals or small groups. But
in the past this unity has often been strained in many directions;
the most obvious is at times like the recent split where there
are clear theoretical differences within the CWLU. However, the
less obvious strains of unity can be as destructive to the organization
as the obvious fights. One way in which this disunity can occur
is through the existence of a small group mentality and
lack of coordination and communication of our efforts. This proposal
tries to develop a strategic way to surmount this problem: the
institution of what has been called in the past a "unionwide
How Does a Unionwide Issue Fit Into
a Strategy?
A strategy
is basically a plan that tells you how to use what you got
to get what you need. To develop a strategy you need to know
what youve got and what you need. What we, the CWLU, have
got can be summed up by three things: 1) Our organization and its
history and experience, 2)Our society and its concrete conditions
like the international situation, working conditions, whats
happening with women, whats happening in Chicago, and so-on,
3) Ourselves our time, energy, knowledge, experience. What
we need ultimately is womens liberation as a part of a total
change in society; we may call that socialism or independent socialism
or socialist feminism or something else whatever we call
it we know that we need to change things for women and that means
changing things for all people. Based on what we know so far we
recognize that there are a lot of steps we have to take before we
can come even close to our goals. We need to: 1) Work on making
changes in existing institutions, 2) Reach many women and make it
possible for them to join us in our fights and for us to
join them in their fights, and 3) we need to raise our consciousness
and understanding (and others as well) about socialism and womens
these goals are pretty big things and in order to be able to work
towards them we need to be able to use our organization effectively.
This is where a unionwide issue comes in; one of the ways
in which we weaken our work is by being scattered. We dont
know what were all doing, we dont have a common goal,
and so we dont reach as many women as we could. Those we do
reach have a hard time getting a sense of the organization. It also
means that we cant be very successful in any fights we take
up because our energy and resources are scattered all over. Finally
we dont grow together, we dont learn from each others
experience. By having a unionwide issue that we would all
work on we would be able to focus some of our energy, we would
have a common goal, we would have a link that would make us one
How Would a Union-wide Issue Work?
If the
CWLU were to unite on a unionwide issue, all core members
and work groups would participate in activities around the issue.
The exact nature of the work would depend on the issue, but could
include things like petitioning, program meetings, organizing block
club type groups, raising the issue where appropriate in other
political work. Groups could continue with other work specific to
their project, but would coordinate that work with the union-wide
issue. CWLU coordination of the unionwide issue would be
done by the Outreach Secretary and her committee and by Steering
Committee. Core members would meet together (about quarterly) to
share experience and do political education and plan for the future.
What Should the Union-wide Issue Be?
We propose
that a possible unionwide issue is equal rights. This would
mean support for equal rights for all people and not just work on
the ERA. The situation now is that there are three levels of civil
rights legislation: national, state, and local. On the national
level there is the gay rights bill originally introduced by Bella
Abzug, and the ERA. There is also a statewide focus for the ERA?
and there is a state gay rights bill (the Catania/Mann bill) . Locally
there are the city code amendments on gay and womens rights
There are several groups already involved in these issues; in Chicago
the main ones are the Gay Rights Task Force and NOW. Other groups
are working at state and national levels. We have a working relationship
with both Chicago groups especially the Task Force.
We think
this issue has several important strengths:
1) The
majority of women are for womens liberation. In order to
attract them we need to start with an issue that has the support
of many women and equal rights is one of them.
2) It
is an issue that can be worked on by anyone and just about any
group in the Chicagoland area.
3) In
working for the liberation of oppressed people the first step is
in civil or democratic rights (sort of like the main contradiction.)
Work here can be the basis for work in other areas. This is most
clear in the gay situation where many, if not most, gay people
cannot be organized because they have no rights. The main
protection, as well as the main oppression of gays is the closet
and until this situation is resolved we get nowhere fast.
4) Because
the issue has broad appeal and citywide possibilities it can
be used as a basis for or in conjunction with community and other
work. We can investigate, work in and build community ties and groups
that will be sustained beyond this project. In part this means that
our role is not just to get equal rights passed, but to educate
people through our work as to how womens rights is linked
to other issues.
5) We
can work on equal rights in many ways petitions, community
groups, educationals, block clubs, newspapers rallies, etc.
6) by
having a general equal rights issues we can broaden our work on
gay rights to include straight people We can educate folks around
gay issues . This would make it clear that gay issues are not issues
only for gay people. We also could make clear that gay people are
interested in more than just gay issues.
7) We
have the responsibility, given the state of the left, to develop
an understanding and analysis of sexism - the woman question
and the gay question and socialism. If we (a generalized
we - CWLU, NAM, other womens groups and so on) dont
do it, it wont get done by doing common work on a basic issue
of sexism, we can begin to develop our political understanding
of it.
How Would Equal Rights Fit Into Our Work?
group would have to consider exactly how work on equal rights
would fit into the project work as a whole. For BLAZING STAR this
is comparatively easy since one of our interests has been work
on gay rights through our links with the Gay Rights Task Force.
Adopting this as a unionwide
issue would have two primary effects: we would expand that work
to include equal rights issues beyond gay rights, and we would
put more energy into some of the aspects of equal rights that
have been a low priority so far. Our work to date has been to have
a representative on the Task Force, to circulate petitions, to
talk about the issue in BLAZING STAR, and to have two educationals
on gay rights legislation. Much more could be done .
We think
that it is important for CWLU to find some way to coordinate
our work better and to increase the level of cooperation and
communication in the organization. Having a unionwide issue
on equal rights seems to be one way; we are eager to hear responses
and other ideas that people have.