Sterilization Abuse: A Task for
the Women's Movement by the Chicago
Committee to End Sterilization Abuse (CESA). (January-1977)
(Editors Note: CESA- Committee to End Sterilization Abuse was
organized to advance reproductive freedom at a time when forced
sterilization was a common problem especially for low income
and minority women. CWLU members were among CESA's activists.)
Sterilization abuse is an issue that should be taken up by the women's
movement as a whole, for it is not just an issue of reproductive
choice and freedom, but one which encompasses a whole range of other
issues as well, including the economic nature of the U.S. health
care delivery system, the nature of medical education, patient rights
and informed consent, as well as national and international questions
of genocidal population control policies. But before analyzing the
actual political context of sterilization abuse, I will first outline
the nature and scope of the problem.
the last 20 years, there has been a dramatic rise in programs aimed
at sterilizing women, both in and outside the U.S. It is the most
risky and fastest growing method of contraception in the U.S. today.1 Female
sterilization increased by 350% from 192,000 in 1970 to 674,000
in 1975. 2 Some estimated 8 million men and women in
the U.S. today are sterilized,3 and approximately one
million women undergo sterilization operations each year.4 In
1970, 16.3% of all couples using some form of 5 contraception were
sterilized. In 1973, the percentage had increased to 23.5.
is increasingly being touted as the 'perfect' method of contraception
for those who desire no more children. However, it involves a decision
which must be considered carefully, its risks and benefits weighed
and compared with those of other methods of contraception- for
it is basically a permanent and irreversible operation.
indications for therapeutic sterilizations, which usually
require hysterectomies should be considered even more carefully,
as it is a more dangerous operation, and should not be performed
solely for contraceptive reasons.
procedures vary somewhat. In women, it is accomplished by tubal
ligation, in which the fallopian tubes are tied, blocked, or removed
to prevent the passage of eggs. Tubal ligation is either done during
a 2 to 3 day hospital stay with traditional surgical procedures,
reaching the tubes through the vagina or abdomen, or by a new out-patient
procedure called laparascopy, in which a tiny incision is made
in the abdomen and the tubes are burned or clipped. This procedure
is often deceptively known as "band-aid" surgery, as the
incision is covered by one after the operation. It implies that
there is little risk or few complications inherent in the procedure,
which is not necessarily the case. A new procedure called a mini-laporatomy
is now being perfected, and does not require special laparascopic
training and equipment, It permits direct visualization of the fallopian
tubes, and can be performed in 10-30 minutes.6 This
procedure, however, is not risk free either, and has not been adequately
perfected to permit its indiscriminate use.
ligations, by whatever method, always involve some element of risk,
more so than in other methods of contraception. It is considerably
more dangerous than the I.U.D. or diaphragm, and is not any safer
than the continued use of oral contraceptives. For every million
tubal ligation operations, for example, 1000 run the risk of dying
from the procedure, compared to 31 and 9 deaths for every million
pill or I.U.D. users.7 Serious complications per million
women are as high as 15,000 for tubals, 600 for the pill, and 400
for the I.U.D.8 Some of the common side effects from
this operation include bleeding, uterine perforation, accidental
burning or bowel trauma, and abdominal pain or pain during menstruation.
It is obviously not the safest method of contraception available
to women.
which involve removal of the uterus, are a much more dangerous
operation than tubals. Despite this, many physicians are encouraging
the use of hysterectomies solely for contraceptive purposes. It
is the second most frequently performed operation in the U.S. today--second
only to tonsillectomies. In 1975, 690,000 hysterectomies were performed.8 The
complication rate for hysterectomies is 10 to 20 times higher than
for tubal ligations, with between 3000 and 5000 deaths per 1 million
operations.9 Recovery from a hysterectomy also
usually requires at least six weeks.
different studies, have in fact, shown that approximately one-third
of all hysterectomies performed in the U.S. have been unnecessary,
that is, the medical indications did not require the procedure.10 And
the number of 11 elective" hysterectomies performed
has been increasing. At one major teaching hospital in
L.A. for example, a 742% increase in "elective" hysterectomy
has been documented between 1968 and 1970. A professor of gynecology
there said that sterilization by hysterectomy had become a commonplace
and widely accepted operation.11 Some gynecologists
have even suggested that hysterectomies be performed as a preventive
measure--as way of preventing uterine cancer for example.12 -They
neglect to remind us however, that the risk of contracting uterine
cancer is much less than the risk of dying from a hysterectomy.13 Would
these physicians also suggest removal of the breasts to prevent
breast cancer, or removal of the prostrate to ward off cancer of
the prostrate gland? The analogies are obvious and endless.
then, sterilizations, either tubal ligations or hysterectomies,
involve many more risks and complications than other methods of
contraception, why has there been such a tremendous increase in
the numbers performed? Undoubtedly, some of the increase has been
due to increase demand on the part of women who do want
to permanently end their childbearing, and have made an informed
decision to be sterilized with knowledge of the potential risks
and benefits of the operation in comparison to other birth control
methods. However, many women, in and outside the U.S., are often
deceived or coerced into undergoing sterilization operations, often
without even knowing that they had been sterilized. And most often,
the subjects of such abuse are the poor, the Black, the Latino,
the American Indian--those already abused by our health care system.
But before going into more depth into the whys of sterilization
abuse, I will first describe in more specific detail, the nature
of sterilization abuse.
abuse first gained national attention in 1973 with the revelation
that two black sisters, the Relf sisters, aged 12 and 14, had been
deemed mentally incompetent by an Alabama physician who subsequently
sterilized them using Federal funds to pay for the procedures.14 Their
mother, who could not read or write, had been deceived into signing
her "x" on the consent forms. A federal lawsuit
followed; one result being that a Federal judge ordered DHEW to
stiffen its then newly formed guidelines in order to prevent
such abuse from occurring again.
abuse, however, can occur on many different levels, and it will
take much more than a federal order to prevent it from occurring
again. When a woman does not know she had been sterilized or is
knocked out and sterilized against her will, this is sterilization
abuse in its most blatant form. However, more subtle forms of coercion
or deception are often used. Misinformation is one tool of abuse--women
are not told that the operation is permanent and irreversible,
or are not counseled about other methods of birth control. Or women
are wrongly told that if they don't consent, their welfare benefits
will be cut off. And illegal as well as legal immigrants are sometimes
threatened with deportation if they refuse the sterilization. The
lack of interpreters in health care institutions makes it especially
problematic for non-English speaking women to be fully informed
of their rights and the nature of the procedure itself.
The issue of informed consent is particularly important when hysterectomies
are encouraged for reasons not medically justifiable. One particular
Chicago hospital15 for example, routinely suggests hysterectomies
for women with Class III Pap smear results, which only indicate
non-malignant abnormal cell growth of the cervix, and would not
usually require removal of the uterus.
abuse also occurs when the operation is suggested to women in stressful
situations when they are not usually capable of making an informed
decision and when they are not given an adequate period of time
in which to consider their decision. At L.A. County Hospital, for
example, some women were routinely asked during labor whether they
wanted their tubes tied.16 Sterilization is increasingly
being described as appealing and hassle-free, and is even suggested
as a way of improving your sex life in a new pamphlet issued by
A few
examples should serve to illustrate the types of abuse I've been
discussing. In L.A. in 1975, 10 Chicana women sued L.A. County
Hospital and state officials. One of the women had refused to give
her consent to a sterilization. She was punched in the stomach
by a doctor and then sterilized. Some of the women signed consent
forms after being in labor for many hours and under heavy medication
immediately prior to undergoing childbirth by caesarian sections.
Two were led to believe that the consent forms they signed were
for temporary sterilizations. One of the women was not aware that
a sterilization had been performed and wore an intrauterine device
for 2 years afterwards.17
there is the case of the South Carolina physician who refused to
deliver a black welfare mother's fourth child unless she agreed
to be sterilized postpartum. He subsequently sterilized 28 women
in three months, all of them Black.18
Jean Serena, an American Indian, was also a victim of sterilization
abuse. An excerpt from her "Statement of Need for Therapeutic
Sterilization" reads "We find from observation and examination
of Norma Serena that she is suffering from the following ailment
of condition"...'socio-economic reasons'... and that another
pregnancy in our opinion, would be inadvisable. Therefore, we are
of the opinion that it is medically necessary to perform the sterilization."19 Ms.
Serena thought that she had been sterilized for medical reasons.
It wasn't until later that she discovered that she had been sterilized
because she was poor.
It is
no accident that all of these victims of abuse were poor and nonwhite
women. In fact, the prevalence of sterilization among non-whites
is higher than that of whites, even though non-white women make
up a smaller percentage of the U.S. population than white women.
Twenty percent of all married Black women in the U.S. have been
sterilized and 14% of all. Native American women, compared to 7%
of all married white women. 20 A recent Government Accounting
Office (GAO) study commissioned by Senator James Abourezk of South
Dakota, discovered that more than 3400 Native American women of
childbearing age had been sterilized over a three year period in
four different Indian Health Service areas in the Southwest.21 This
figure is particularly frightening given the declining population
of Native Americans--today there are fewer than 800,000 in this
country. It would be comparable to sterilizing 452,000 non-white
women in the U.S. The study also found that many of the consent
forms to be illegal and not in compliance with Indian Health Service
regulations. It also found that 36 women under the age of 21 and
been sterilized, despite the court ordered moratorium on such sterilizations.
In fact,
the sterilization regulations issued by DHEW as a result of the
Relf case have been ignored by many physicians and institutions.
In part, 'these regulations specify a 72 hour waiting period between
the time of consent and the actual operation, a full explanation
of the operation as well as other methods of contraception in the
patients own language; and, to be written prominently at the top
of the consent form, a statement which says that refusal to undergo
the sterilization would not result in the loss of any Federal or
state benefits.22
these minimal regulations, however, have been ignored by many hospitals
and physicians, for DHEW provided no means of enforcing them. A
1974 survey of 42 large teaching hospitals across the country found
that 27, or 64% of them to be in gross violation of the regulations,
including two Chicago hospitals who subsequently claimed to be
in full compliance. Fourteen of the hospitals were not even aware
that such regulations even existed.23
response of the women's movement to these abuses has been varied,
and not always successful. Women in several cities are demanding
the implementation of these guidelines, and in some cases, are
fighting for better and more comprehensive guidelines. In New York
City, after a 9 month battle, the Committee to End Sterilization
Abuse (C.E.S.A.) was successful in getting better guidelines adopted
by municipal hospitals. The major improvements over the federal
guidelines include a 30 day waiting period, a detailed consent
form, and counseling in the women's own language.
however, is always a key problem, and enormous resistance has come
from the medical and population control establishments. Six M.D.'s
in New York's major teaching hospitals have filed suit against
the city, state, and federal sterilization regulations. They claim
the rights of physicians are violated by the New York City guidelines,
particularly their freedom of speech, since the regulations state
that a doctor cannot be the first one to suggest sterilization
to a woman.
In order
to effectively fight against sterilization abuse, not only in this
country, but throughout the non-Socialist Third World, we first
have to put it in its proper political perspective. The following
is such an attempt. I will briefly outline three major reasons
which I see as contributing to such abuse: (1) the population control
establishment--its policies and ideologies; (2) the economic nature
of the U.S. health care delivery system; and (3) the nature of
medical education in this country, especially intern and residency
training requirements. I will deal with the last two issues first.
It should
be fairly obvious that physicians and hospitals stand to gain more
economically by pushing sterilizations as opposed to other methods
of birth control, especially when welfare patients are involved.
DHEW has been funding 90% of sterilization costs in Federally funded
family planning clinics since 1974. When placed in such a conflict
of interest position, it is not surprising that economic interests
might obscure patients' best interests. We certainly do not lack
for studies which show that surgery rates are highest when economic
interests to perform surgery exist. Federal employees under pre-paid
group health plans, for example, had a 16.8% probability of having
a hysterectomy by age 70. The odds of getting this operation under
largely unregulated Blue Cross plans is about 35%. 24
nature of physician education and medical training in this country
also contributes to abuse of the poor and non-white, who often
make prime targets for the surgical knives of interns and residents,
who need to perform a minimal number of operations in order to
fulfill certification requirements. The use of public patients
as teaching "material" is an issue that many of are aware of, and
is particularly relevant to the issue of sterilization abuse. Back
in 1957, a physician at a New York teaching hospital proclaimed
that "Sterilization by hysterectomy is encouraged on the ward
service in order to offer the resident staff experience in the
operation puerpural hysterectomy." 25 Such practices
were not confined to the pre-sixties era, however. Dr. Lester Hibbard
of L.A. County Hospital admits in 1972 that vaginal tubal ligations
were sometimes selected over abdominal tubal ligations because
of their "instructional value," even though the vaginal
procedure often led to serious complications.26 And
in 1975, the acting director of a municipal hospital in New York
City informs us that "In most major teaching hospitals in
New York City, it is the unwritten policy to do elective hysterectomies
on poor, Black, and Puerto Rican women with minimal indications,
to train residents ... at least 10% of gynecological surgery in
New York is done on this basis. And 99% of this is done on Blacks
and Puerto Rican women."27
most pervasive influence on the practice of sterilization abuse,
however, is the population control ideology which lends academic
and political credence to the "blame the victim" strategy
which justifies such coercive practices. For "overpopulation" has
been used to explain everything from poverty, unemployment, and
starvation to revolutionary unrest. Population control has become
an important part of the foreign policy of the U.S. It rests on
the assumption that population growth may wipe out not only agricultural
growth but all economic development. Beyond this, the population
control programs rest on particular sets of priorities about the
needs of the poor. With birth rate reduction as the highest priority,
the policies assume that the prevailing class structure should
not be altered, that only gradual, non-revolutionary political
change is to be encouraged, that relations between the sexes should
be allowed to shift only gradually and within the existing class
structure. Thus population control becomes a force against revolutionary
is not to say that real problems of overpopulation do not exist
in some parts of the world--the point is, is that overpopulation
is by and large a result of poverty, not a cause of poverty.28 Historically,
birth rate decline has been a consequence, not a cause of, economic
development. In every instance of industrialization, birth rates
fell after changes in mode of production lowered infant mortality,
made children less valuable and more expensive economically, and
increased demands and opportunities for women's employment outside
their homes. Even the most conservative of academic demographers
would be hard pressed to deny that it is rising living standards
which create the primary inducements for fewer children and so
declining birth rates--not the other way around. In a rural economy
governed by peasant agricultural production and social organization,
children are often a family's most valuable asset.
it became increasingly clear to many formerly colonized peoples
in the Third World, that capitalist exploitation of their resources,
destruction of peasants livelihood, and creation of an economically
helpless working class, could only be resolved through independence
and economic development through nationalist and often socialist
economic reorganization. Such revolutionary undertakings would
have limited and even ended the continued economic exploitation
of Third World countries by Western capitalists, such has already
occurred in many places such as Vietnam, Cuba, and Mozambique,
to name just a few. Population control provided a rationalization
for the failure of capitalism to provide economic growth for the
peoples of the Third World and a proposed solution to their poverty
and underdevelopment. Born of the Cold War, the population controllers
considered stopping communism not only their highest priority,
but also, according to their propaganda, the main reason that economic
progress in the Third World was desirable. For example, "The Population Bomb,''
a pamphlet of the Hugh Moore fund of the Dixie Cup fortune, first
published in 1954, and reprinted frequently until the mid-sixties,
featured such arguments as, "There will be 300 million more
mouths to feed in the world 4 years from now--most of them hungry.
Hunger brings turmoil, and turmoil, as we have learned, creates
the atmosphere in which the communists seek to conquer the earth."29
in the 1960's, population control received first priority within
U.S. nonmilitary foreign aid. In fact, receiving foreign aid usually
obligated receiving nations to undertake population control programs
in accordance with U.S. State Department specifications. So it
was that Lyndon Johnson remarked that $5 spent on family planning
was worth more than $100 spent on development. Today, approximately
67% of all U.S. outlays for health care are now earmarked for population
planning.29 And the Agency for International Development
(A.I.D.) has increased its population control budget 40% over the
last three years to $144 million in 1976--at the expense of other
health programs.30
the U.S. State Department is not the only financial backer of U.S.
population control programs. Some of the top ruling financiers
in the U.S. have been funding such programs since the early fifties
and before. For example, the exclusively ruling class Population
Council is one of the Rockefeller family's main legacies to the
family planning field. The council, along with the Rockefeller
and Ford foundations has been the most active in providing funds
for research in bio-medicine, improved delivery systems, and more
efficient means of disseminating current population control techniques.
Most of the prominent population groups like the International
Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) are headed by ruling financiers
like the Carnegies and Mellons, and have barraged us with all sorts
of racist publicity and mass advertising campaigns to check the
so called population explosion.31
particularly racist ad which appeared in 1969, that was put out
by the Committee to Check the Population Explosion began by asking, "How
many people do you want in your country? Already the streets are
packed with youngsters. Thousands of idle victims of discontent
and drug addiction. You go out after dark at your peril ... the
answer? Birth control. The ever mounting tidal wave of humanity
challenges us to control it, or be submerged along with all of
our civilized values."32 The implication
is clear. Civilized values belong to Western Europeans and white
Americans, while the black, brown, red, and yellow people of the
world account for the tidal wave of humanity.
such as these were designed to generate popular and governmental
support for population control programs both in and outside the
U.S. And health workers are obviously not immune to this ideology,
as evidenced in their own attitudes and practice. These attitudes
are most prevalent among the top elite of the health professions--white,
male physicians, many of whom believe that poor and non-white women
should be sterilized for their own good, as well as the "good"
of the country. And they are not hesitant about admitting it. At
a conference of obstetricians and gynecologists in 1966, one physician
panelist asserted that, "After working with these so called
poor, especially with minority groups, the Negro and Spanish American,
I have the impression that these people have the view that nothing
in the past has ever worked and nothing is going to work now. They
bring you a feeling of hopelessness unless 'if I have THE operation'
as it is known among the Puerto Ricans."33 He further
went on to suggest that sterilization of the poor would be a way
of reducing the number of broken families and ADC recipients.
Parenthood survey of 226 physicians in 1972 provides us with
further evidence of the prevalence of such attitudes among U.S.
physicians. Thirty-four percent of them favored the withholding
of any public assistance for any subsequent pregnancies of welfare
mothers with 3 'illegitimate' children, and 30, favored withholding
public assistance to such women if they refused to be sterilized.34
control propaganda is promoted far beyond the borders of the
U.S. however. It often reaches people in the Third World in the
form of the pictures below:

the message? You too, can have a nice home, a car, and even a DOG,
but only if you stop having so many kids! The working and peasant
people of the Third World, however, are not so naive as the population
experts would like to think. These women know that having their
tubes tied is not going to bring them instant wealth complete with
a color T.V. set. In fact, they know that their survival very often
depends on having enough children survive to an age where they can
provide economic support to the family.
It should
come as no surprise then, that, by and large, most family planning
programs in the Third World have been failures, at least in terms
of reducing the birth rate. Population controllers have been increasingly
suggesting that effective population control can never happen voluntarily.
One of the chief architects of family planning programs in Latin
America, for example, writes that there has been no evidence of
any birth rate reductions there after a decade of such programs.
Women who attend the family planning clinics there are primarily
those who have used contraception without the clinics, and who
have already had an average of 5 children.35
As a
result of this kind of evidence, population controllers have increasingly
advocated various kinds of coercion in their programs. In India,
for example, the government first tried to bribe people into sterilizations
by handing out transistor radios or cash payments. 36 As
that didn't work, some states in India have passed legislation
requiring sterilizations for government employees with two or three
children. Last year, up to 150 people were shot in protests over
the new sterilization laws. 37 Some reports tell of
men being forced off buses and transported to vasectomy camps.38 Women
are thus not the only victims of sterilization abuse.
has also increasingly become a part of family planning programs
in Latin America. The Ford Foundation, for example, donated one
million dollars for an experimental sterilization program there,
in which individuals would be guaranteed $5, $6, or $7 a month
for the rest of their lives if they agreed to be sterilized.39 Between
1963 and 1965, 40,000 women in Columbia were sterilized by Rockefeller
funded programs. These women were coaxed by gifts of lipstick,
artificial pearls, small payments of money, and promises of free
medical care.40 And in Bolivia, a U.S. population
control program administered by the Peace Corps sterilized native
Quechua women without their knowledge or consent.41
An A.I.D.
sponsored program in the U.S. has been training Third World physicians
to perform laparascopic tubal ligations. At the end of the course,
each physician is flown home with a $5000 laparascope. Since these
foreign M.D.'s do not have a license to practice medicine in the
U.S., they could only practice using the laparascope on rabbits,
which obviously do not have the same kind of gynecological problems
and pelvic structures as women.42
International Association for Voluntary Sterilization (A.V.S.)
is now providing mini-laparotomy instruments to government and
medical institutions in the Third World. A quote from the A.V.S.
newsletter is quite revealing of their practices; "Women living
in rural areas deficient in physicians and electricity may be safely
sterilized by minilaparotomy. Whether performed in a modern hospital
or a converted one table shack, minilaparotomy is a simple, 10
minute procedure requiring inexpensive equipment and minimal training."43
mention is made of its experimental nature; no mention of its surgical
nature, or the problems involved in performing any type of surgery
on women who are most likely already undernourished and in bad
physical condition.
of providing health workers to these underserved areas, the A.V.S.
supplies laparotomy instruments. They have so far sent supplies
to Guatemala, El Salvador, Peru, Brazil, Chile, Bolivia, Columbia,
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, and Mexico. Among
their programs in Latin America, the total number of minilaporotomy
procedures performed in 1976 has exceeded the total performed in
1974 and 1975 combined.44 So much for progress.
one of the most insidious U.S. population control programs in the
Third World has been in Puerto Rico, which has the highest incidence
of sterilization in the world. A government issued survey found
that 35% of all women of childbearing age there had been sterilized--more
than one out of every three such women.45 Thousands
of women are sterilized each month in U.S. funded family planning
clinics there, which provides them free of charge.46 many
sterilizations are performed postpartum, which is standard procedure
in some teaching hospitals for women with two or more children.
Welfare women, people on food stamps, and people who want housing
are all receiving special orientations about overpopulation and
It is
so common on the island that it is commonly referred to as "the
primary goal behind this U.S. population plan is to reduce the
working class population on the island in order to make way for
U.S. corporations. A report of a Puerto Rican economic policy making
group proposes reducing the working sector of the population in
order to reduce unemployment, which is by some estimates, as high
as 30%.47 Heavy industries, mainly U.S. petroleum and
petro chemical industries, have moved onto the island in recent
years, displacing many rural and light industry workers. These
heavy industries require a relatively small workforce--the excess
working population must somehow be "disposed" of, either
through sterilization or forced migration.
fact that sterilization programs in Puerto Rico are being carried
on in a colonial context in a nation where people do not have control
over their own lives and their government makes the term "voluntary" sterilization
totally inapplicable. It is our responsibility to put an end to
these kinds of programs, just as it is our responsibility to put
an end to the forced sterilizations in this country as well.
are a variety of ways in which the issue of sterilization abuse
can be attacked. We can agitate for enforcement of the HEW guidelines
as they now exist, or demand even more stringent Guidelines to
be enforced, as was done by New York C.E.S.A. However, as the medical
and population control establishments have such enormous power
in this country, it becomes important to forge health worker, patient
and community alliances in order to fight them. The New York experience
has taught us that we can not solely rely on health care workers
to fight against such abuses, but we certainly need their support
in order to discover where abuse is occurring. Many of the cases
of abuse we know about were first brought to light by concerned
health workers in institutions where coercion and deception were
commonplace. In fact, the M.D. at L.A. County Hospital who publicized
and exposed many of the sterilization atrocities that had occurred
there is now being threatened with revocation of his license by
the state of California on the charge of "moral depravity."48
cannot, then, simply wage a legal battle against sterilization
abuse, for the forces of law can easily be turned against us. It
is clear to me that we need to reach out to communities in the
form of health care forums and educationals on such issues as patient
rights, patient education, the nature of the health care system,
as well as on issues of reproductive freedom. The work that the
Chicago chapter of C.E.S.A. has done has taught us that we cannot
simply wage a battle on the issue of sterilization abuse alone,
but that we need to combine it with other issues of more pertinent
concern to women. If the women's health movement combines its forces
and resources with those of other community health organizations
in order to provide innovative health education programs in targeted
communities, we can begin to get feedback from people in those
communities about the issues that might encourage active struggles
around them. Sterilization abuse could become just one part of
building active community struggles around broader issues of health
and community control of the institutions that wield so much power
over our lives.
1. Rosenfeld, Wolfe, and McGarrah- 1973. "Health Research
Group Study on Surgical Sterilization." Health Research Group
(Jan.): Washington, D.C.
2. Association for Voluntary Sterilization, Inc. 1975. "Estimate
of Number of Voluntary Sterilizations Performed." (mimeo):
New York, and AVS NEWS. 1976 (Sept.), New York.
3. AVS NEWS, op. cit.
4. Rosenfeld, Wolfe, and McGarrah, op. cit.
5. AVS NEWS, op. cit.
6. AVS NEWS. 1975. (Oct.): New York.
7. Rosenfeld, Wolfe, and McGarrah, op. cit.
8. Ibid.
9. Rodgers, Joann. 1975. "The Change of Life Operation."
Chicago Sun Times.
Oct. 12,
and Wolfe, Sydney. 1975. "Testimony Before the House Committee
Oversight and
Investigations on Unnecessary Surgery." Health Research Group
(July 19):
Washington, D.C.
10. Wolfe, Sydney, op. cit.
11. Rosenfeld, Wolfe, and McGarrah, op. cit.
12. Lieberman, Sharon. 1976. "What the 'Hysterectomy
Mafia' Got From HEW." Majority Report (Nov. 13-26).
13. Rodgers, Joann, op. cit.
14. Relf et al. vs. Weinberger et. al. Civil Action No. 73-1557
U.S. District Court. Washington, D.C. March 15, 1974.
15. Personal communication, July, 1976.
16. Rosenfeld, Wolfe, and McGarrah, op. cit.
17. Foner, Laura and Evelyn Machtinger. 1976. "Sterilization." New American
Movement (June)
18. Chicago Sun Times. 1975. "Sterilization Suit Brings
$5 Award." (July 26), and Dollars and Sense. 1977. "Congress Votes Against Women's Rights." (Jan.).
19. Norma Jean Serena Support Committee. "Norma Jean Serena." (mimeo):
207 Oakland Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
20. Westoff, Charles. 1972. "The Modernization of U.S. Contraceptive
Practice." Family Planning Perspectives, IV (July):
9, and Committee to End Sterilization Abuse (C.E.S.A.). 1975. "Sterilization
Abuse of Women: the Facts." (mimeo): Box 839, Coopers Station,
New York.
21. Comptroller General of the United States. 1976 (Letter and
report to
Senator James
Abourezk): Nov. 4. (B-164031) (5).
22. U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. 1974. "Restrictions
Applicable to Sterilization Procedures in Federally Assisted Family
Planning Programs.,!! Federal Register 39: 13872 (April
23. McGarrah, Robert. 1975. "Sterilization Without Consent;
Teaching Hospital Violations of HEW Regulations." Health Research
Group Document 252. (Jan.): Washington, D.C.
24. Wolfe, Sydney, op. cit.
25. Guttmacher, Alan. 1957. "Puerperal Sterilization
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26. Hibbard, Lester T. 1972. "Sexual Sterilization by Elective
Hysterectomy." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
112 (April):1076.
27. C.E.S.A., op. cit.
28. See especially, Commoner, Barry. 1975. "How Poverty
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Folbre, Nancy. 1976. "Economics and Population Control." Science for the People Vol.
3, No. 6. (Nov./Dec.)
29. Mass, Bonnie. 1975. "The Political Economy of Population
Control in Latin America." (Pamphlet) Women's Press, Montreal.
30. Mass, Bonnie. 1977. "Coercive Population Plans Continue." Guardian
31. Barclay, William, Joseph Enright, and Reid Reynolds. 1970. "Population
Control in the Third World." NACLA Newsletter Vol.
IV, No. 8 (Dec.)
32. Ibid.
33. White, Charles. 1965. "Tubal Sterilization: a 15 Year Survey." American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 95:
34. Silver, M.S. 1972. "Birth Control and the Private Physician."
Family Planning Perspectives." IV (2): 42.
35. Stycos, J. Mayone. 1973. "Latin American Family Planning
in the 1970's,"in Stycos, ed. Clinics, Contraception, and
Communication. New York (Appleton, Century, Crofts) pp. 17-22.
36. C.E.S.A., op. cit.
37. Rosenhause, Sharon. 1976. "Tell India Deaths in Sterilization
Row." Chicago Sun Times Oct. 28.
38. Ibid.
39. Barclay, William, et. al., op. cit.
40. Mass, Bonnie. 1975, op. cit.
41. C.E.S.A., op. cit.
42. Foner, Laura, op. cit.
43. AVS News. 1976. "Minilaporatomy Has Great Potential''
44. Ibid.
45. C.E.S.A., Opt cit.
46. Ibid.
47. C.E.S.A. 1975. "Government Network Sterilizes Workers." (mimeo):
Box 839, Coopers Station, New York.
48. "Sterilization: Report Lists Abuses." 1976, Guardian
(Dec. 29).