The Grand Coolie Damn
by Marge Piercy (1969)
(Editors Note: Marge Piercy is a novelist and poet. An early pioneer
of the women's liberation movement, she sent shockwaves through the
American Left with this expose of its endemic sexism.)
Movement is supposed to be for human liberation. How come the condition
of women inside it is no better than outside? We have been trying to
educate and agitate around women's liberation for several years. How
come things are getting worse? Women's liberation has raised the level
of consciousness around a set of issues and given some women a respite
from the incessant exploitation, invisibility, and being put down. But
several forces have been acting on the Movement to make the situation
of women actually worse during the same time that more women are becoming
aware of their oppression.
Around 1967-
the year of what the mass media liked to call the Summer of Love- there
was a loosening of attitudes in the Movement just as there was a growing
politicization among dropouts and the hippie communities. For a while,
Movement people were briefly more interested in each other as human
beings than is the case usually, or now. Movement men are generally
interested in women occasionally as bed partners, as domestic-servants-mother-surrogates,
and constantly as economic producers: as in other patriarchal societies,
one's wealth in the Movement can be measured in terms of the people
whose labor one can possess and direct on one's projects.
For a while,
people were generally willing to put effort into their relationships
with each other and human liberation was felt as something to be acted
out rather than occasionally flourished like a worn red flag. People
experimented with new forms of communities and webs of relationship
reaching beyond the monogamous couple. Men and women were trying new
ways of relating that would not be as confining, as based on concepts
of private property and the market economy as the means by which we
have learned to possess each other. Some of the experimenting was shallow,
manipulative, adventurist, with little regard for consequence to the
others involved; but some was serious and had a tentative, willed openness
that allowed room for men and especially for women to grow whole new
limbs of self and encounter each other in ways that made them more
It is not
necessary to recount the history of the last two ears to figure out
what happened. Repression brings hardening. It is unlikely the Movement
could have gone along with the same degree of involvement in personal
relationships. An excessive amount of introspection and fascination
with the wriggles of the psyche militate against action. One of the
high schools in New York was effectively cooled by involving students
in therapy groups and sensitivity training. But there is also a point
beyond which cutting off sensitivity to others and honesty to what
one is doing does not produce a more efficient revolutionary, but only
a more efficient son of a bitch. We are growing some dandy men of steel
The typical
Movement institution consists of one or more men who act as charismatic
spokesmen, who speak in the name of the institution, and negotiate
and represent that body to other bodies in and outside the Movement,
and who manipulate the relationships inside to maintain his or their
position, and the people who do the actual work of the institution,
much of the time women. Most prestige in the Movement rests not on
having done anything in particular, but in having visibly dominated
some gathering, in manipulating a certain set of rhetorical counters
well in public, or in having played some theatrical role. To be associated
with a new fashion trend in rhetoric is better rewarded than is any
amount of hard work on the small organizing projects that actually
recruit new people and change their heads.
The Movement
is an economic microcosm. Presumably the rewards will be bringing about
a revolution changing this society into something people want to live
in and which they have a chance of affecting, and which will get off
the back of the rest of the world. But the day-to-day coin is prestige.
Another short term reward is a modicum of power, largely to force other
people out of some group, or to persuade that group to engage in one
activity rather than another. A third type of power is over the channels
of communication. These may be formal channels such as New Left Notes;
the Guardian, underground papers, Liberation News Service;
or other media. There is also power over informal channels of communication.
A person may come to usurp the prestige of an organization simply by
being the speaker on all public occasions or by representing that group
to other Movement groups. That may be actually the only work lie does,
but what meager satisfactions can come from parading the name of his
group before others, he will enjoy. At the least he will get a chance
to travel a little. Lives in the movement are not exactly running over
with pleasures, so that if you have spent all winter on the lower east
side of New York, a trip to Rochester or Buffalo can look glamorous.
It is possible
to build up power simply through insisting or arranging that all goes
through you. The important thing is to keep all transfer of information
or requests between any Dick and any Bill routed through you. That
gives a look of busyness and importance. It can be a career in itself.
There is a loss of information and energy, but strangely enough, good
will is created with both Dick and Bill. Your phone will ring all the
time and people call wherever you go, making manifest your importance
before others. Almost all informal Movement contacts of this sort are
between men. Especially in Ivy League schools, SDS chapters seem to
act as fraternities, creating in-groups who respect and trust only
each other.
If the
rewards are concentrated at the top, the shitwork is concentrated at
the bottom. The real basis is the largely unpaid, largely female labor
force that does the daily work. Reflecting the values of the larger
capitalist society, there is no prestige whatsoever attached to actually
working. Workers are invisible. It is writers and talkers and the actors
of dramatic roles who are visible and respected. The production of
abstract analyses about what should be done and the production of technical
jargon are far more admired than what is called by everybody shitwork.
Nor is
the situation improved when the machers are competing to demonstrate
their superior, purer, braver militancy, rather than their purer analysis.
In an elitist world, it's always 'women and children last." Only
a woman willing and able to act like a stereotyped American frontier
male can make herself heard.
The leader
co-opts the work of his laborers. How many times a macher will
say, "I have done," "I have made" when the actual
labor was somebody else's. It is easy for the macher to pretend
he has written a leaflet he glanced over, inserting the fashionable
cant phrase of the week. I am aware that men in the Movement who are
not domineering, highly verbal, manipulative, or hyper-competitive
also turn into invisible peasant laborers. If there were no women at
all in the male-dominated Movement, men not ready to stomp on others
would end up playing many roles flow filled by women. Which is to say
that poor whites may be no better off economically than poor blacks,
for the System oppresses them in some of the same ways.
We take
this allotting of prestige for granted, in which we are an exact microcosm
of the society we oppose. Work is shit. It is mindlessly done
by unappreciated- invisible workers, and the results, the profits in
prestige and recognition, are taken away. Truly, it is not necessary
that work be shit even in the bowels of the beast. One of the things
that really is true about visiting Cuba is discovering how proud people
can be of their work- work they would be ashamed to do here. Because
work is admired, and makes sense in a society that makes sense, it
is social in the full meaning. All right, we cannot have little islands
of evolutionary culture in the heart of the empire, but we can
try a little harder not to reflect the ugliest aspects of the
society we are presumably rejecting.
As the
fight gets stiffer and we settle in for the long haul, as all of us
accumulate enough experience of failure and look long and hard enough
at the cost to ourselves of what we are trying to do, as we get older
and go through our share of the nasties, there is an attitude that
sustains many: I am a professional revolutionary. To take that
kind of step in one's head and rhetoric is felt as a leap of commitment.
It explains to the person and to others what he is doing. After all,
he is acting quite differently from what was expected of him. He is
failing to make it in any way he was taught all through growing up
American to expect he would do (and to be scared he wouldn't do). So
it turns out there is an answer. No, Ma, I'm not a burn. I'm a professional-
like a doctor or a lawyer, like I was supposed to be.
One trouble:
to be a professional anything in the United States is to think of oneself
as an expert and one's ideas as semi-sacred, and to treat others
in a certain way- professionally. Do you question your doctor when
he prescribes in dog Latin what you should gulp down? The expert
has expertise. Unfortunately he also often has careerism. He is giving
up everything else, and he is not about to let some part-time worker
(differentiation between part-time and full-time in the Movement
is instructive and dangerous) challenge his prerogatives. Shall the
professional revolutionary haul garbage, boil potatoes, change diapers,
and lick stamps? Finally, what opposes the professional is counter-revolutionary,
even though it may be repressed by the power structure with the same
The incidence
of violent brand-loyalty to ones own current dogma has risen.
The word cadre" as something to caress in the mouth and masturbate
over has gone whoosh to the top of the pole in the last year. Cadre
has meaning when a movement has really gone underground, when its members
have been through training that has attempted to change their characters,
when groups have shared violent and harrowing experiences over time
so that they know they can trust each other. Cadre applied to the white
Movement in the United States at this time is elitist bullshit. Our
big problem is learning how to reach all kinds of people and we haven't
invented any training yet that helps much on that score. People are
working hard on projects scattered around the country, and here and
there they are making headway in one or another enclave of the old or
new working class (or groups in motion are reaching out to them); or
in high schools or the army or neighborhoods under stress such as the
threat of urban renewal, things are happening; but experts are experts
largely in manipulating current jargon.
Now common,
ordinary, gross chutzpah is something that in this society
sprouts more commonly from the egos of men than from the more shattered
and battered egos of women. Women are not encouraged toward professionalism
in general, and we are certainly not in the Movement encouraged to
gives ourselves too many airs. Suppose you, Woman Alice, unknown,
unvouched for, unaccompanied, come wandering into a meeting and want
to speak. The male supremacist will not even hear you. He may launch
a sentence where you are in the middle of speaking, and probably
he can simply drown you out. The male chauvinist will keep quiet
while you speak and may even give a quick acknowledgment that some
noise has occurred. He will patronize and move on. The male liberal
will note
your energy and will commiserate and then co-opt you. You will end
up working for him, no matter what you think you are doing. When
you oppose him, you will find out which side he is on.
With the
professional comes his professional language. A predominantly student
movement is a great soil for the growth of monstrosities of jargon.
The use of scholarly Marxist jargon is exactly analogous to the use
of any other academic jargon. It is a way of indicating that you
have put in your time, read the right texts and commentaries, that
you are an expert. It is one thing to learn from the long line of
revolutionaries who have come before us: we must learn that history
or caricature it. (With the factionalism, name-calling, and assumption
of infallibility that has been growing lately, I sometimes get the
impression of people role-playing as professional revolutionaries
based on certain comic books in which that was how you could identify
the Reds.) It is another thing to adopt the language of any of them,
especially translated into lousy American. Now we have scholarly
quarrels about the definition of key terms and the appreciation among
the in-group of the way in which someone is handling them, as in
any English or Sociology department. Such articles are written for
a snobbishly defined audience of peers. The jargon covers up holes
in the world. Most of us know damn little about how the society works
and how people live, but rather than find out, we will adopt a jargon
that stands between the observer and what lie is trying to observe.
Such articles fail to make our politics lucid to people on a level
where they can become autonomous political thinkers and doers. If
you have contempt for people and think they cannot know what they
want and need, who the hell is the revolution for?
Women in
the Movement, with a few outstanding exceptions, have trouble talking
jargon. One source of unease is lack of practice. The phenomenon
of a woman speaking in a meeting, and the meeting going on as if
she had belched, is too widespread to need comment. Women don't generally
practice on each other. Women are able at least on occasion to be
more honest in talking about their lives together than men ever are:
not always, not often, but it is a possibility. The mores of the
society do not prevent women who trust each other from speaking about
their sexual and emotional troubles. Much of this ability comes from
our being taught to define our careers" in terms of that part of our lives,
so that it is shoptalk. In contrast, so much of what passes for communication
between men and women are responses to signals given, the fulfilling
of subtly or not so subtly indicated wishes, games of protection and
mutual blackmail. The bases of many relationships are unspoken, not
because they lie too deep for words, but because speaking about them
would disgust. It would expose connection based on gross and subtle
forms of lying and exploitation that could not bear examining aloud.
women simply refuse to use jargon. I know one woman who grew up in
the Old Left and who will not use language she associates with that
type of life and politics. In the small group of organizers she operates
in, her refusal is viewed by the male ideological clique as a pitiful
weakness. She is crippled. If she cannot talk their language, they
cannot hear her, although she speaks the language of the kind of
workers they are attempting to organize. They cannot accept her criticisms
or insights unless couched in their terminology. Not that that always
produces acceptance.
I remember
watching a girl at a council meeting a few years ago who was striking
in all aspects. She spoke well in a husky but carrying voice,
she was physically attractive, she had read her texts and had a militant
Left position and an obvious sense of style. In her head she
was on the barricades, and that excitement carried in her speeches.
She had no impact. I heard many people giving precis of the council
afterward, and no one singled her out to mention, although many
of the issues she spoke to carried. She did not succeed in becoming
part of that collective of machers
who are always counting points with each other. If she had
been sexually connected with any of the machers present,
the odds on her achieving impact would have been much greater,
for she would have been automatically present at the small caucuses
and meetings where policy, unfortunately, originates.
that time, when I attended many women's liberation meetings I saw
the whole thing as interesting primarily as an organizing tool:
here was a way to organize women who could not be reached on other
issues or in other organizing contexts. I am older than most Movement
women, have a harder sense of myself, make a living off my writing
and care about it, and have a good, long-standing, and non-possessive
relationship with a man I trust politically and personally. It took
me two more
years of grisly experiences, of getting used and purged,
to get my nose well rubbed into women's exploitation, to find
out women's liberation was not talking about the other fellow,
and to understand how much I had adopted male values to think
of liberation as a tool. We
are oppressed, and we will achieve our liberation by fighting
for it the same as any other oppressed group. Nobody is going
to give it to us because we ask, however eloquently. I once
thought that all that was necessary was to make men understand
that they would achieve their own liberation, too, by joining
in the struggle for women's liberation: but it has come to
me to seem a little too much like the chickens trying to educate
the chicken farmer. I think of myself as a house nigger who
is a slow learner besides. A tendency to believe quite literally
in the rhetoric of Movement males is a form of naiveté' that no
woman can afford. Most Movement males' idea of women's liberation is
something for their girlfriend to do to other women while they're busy
in decision making. That's her constituency to bring in.
a staff into existence is only the extreme form of what passes for
common practice in many places. A man can bring a woman into an organization
by sleeping with her and remove her by ceasing to do so. A man can
purge a woman for no other reason than that he has tired of her,
knocked her up, or is after someone else: and that purge is accepted
without a ripple. There are cases of a woman excluded from a group
for no other reason than that one of its leaders proved impotent
with her. If a macher
enters a room full of machers, accompanied by
a woman and does not introduce her, it is rare indeed that
anyone will bother to ask her name or acknowledge her presence.
The etiquette that governs is one of master-servant.
Women come
into the Movement for as many reasons as men do. It is not sufficient
to speak of women as being recruited in bed, since their attraction
to the man is usually as much to the ideas they hear him spouting,
what they think he represents, and what they imagine their life with
him will he, as it is to his particular body or personality. Movement
men often project a very sexual image. What's behind that too often
is, as with actors, narcissism, impotence, and a genuine lack of
interest in anybody else except his hero, The Professional Revolutionary
in the Mirror, and a small peer group whose opinions he values and
whom he likes to shoot the bull with, much like ex-fraternity boys.
I've listened
to the troubles of dozens and dozens of women and men in
the Movement. There are a lot of lonely and a lot of horny women. Sex lives
of women seem to fall into two patterns, both dreary. Domestic
unions on the whole are formed young and maintained in hermetic dependency,
until exchanged for others that appear almost identical.
People seldom maintain relationships with any content without living together,
though it happens. As in conventional marriages, the woman
living with a man often finds her world constricted. She is his thing.
She keeps house for him and plays surrogate mother, and often he talks
to her no more than the tired businessman home from the office.
Often the relationship is much like that of the woman living with a
medical student and helping to put him through school. Of course, since
the woman's intellectual energy is concentrated on that relationship,
she may in fact dominate or manipulate or control the man,
as is frequent in conventional marriages also.
The other
model is the liberated woman: she can expect to get laid maybe once
every two months, after a party or at councils or conferences, or
when some visiting fireman comes through and wants to be put up.
She may find she can work for years and even take part in planning
demonstrations, and doing important research, and organizing without
achieving recognition or visibility. There is a phenomenon I have
noted, by the way: allowing for geographical variations, the list
of men whom Movement women not living with anyone have gone to bed
with is surprisingly repetitive. One is left to draw the conclusion
that all the liberated (i.e., living alone) women have gone to bed
with the same set of men, who would fit in one large room.
These serviceable
males fall into two categories: those who make it clear that
what they are doing is fucking, and those who provide a flurry of apparently
personal interest, which fades mighty quick. The first category
are on far fewer hate lists than the second. There are men in the Movement
who have left women feeling conned and somehow used, emotionally
robbed, in every city in the country. Rarely have I heard
any man in the Movement judge any other man for that kind of emotional
exploitation, and never so it could hurt him. The use of women as props
for a sagging ego is accepted socially. Everybody sees it and everybody
agrees that they don't. Scalp-hunting goes on both sides of the sexual
barrier, but the need to extract a kind of emotional conquest which
is sometimes not even sexually consummated, out of woman after woman, seems
exclusively the disease of male machers.
This sort of thing can even be called organizing. Many Politicos
spend their energies organizing inside the Movement,
instead of into the Movement: hence the passionate concern with who
is, and who is not, in the vanguard. Transferring the loyalties
of worker-woman Lizzie from research project of Macher A to
the Pamphlet project to Macher
B is organizing.
The men
who often get the most Opposition from Movement women and are often
publicly called male oppressors, are precisly those men who have
the least skill at co-opting the labor of women: men with a bluff
style, frontal attack, an obvious sense of their own competence,
and a tactless assault on what they see as other's lack of it. They
often succeed in rapid fashion in uniting some of the women in a
caucus against them.
The style
most rewarded is that of the manipulator: the person
who makes use of the forms of workers' control and community decision making
to persuade others that they are involved in a "we" that
is never out of his control. Given the careerism, in almost
any Movement enterprise there is at least one person who
feels a vested interest: that endeavor is his baby. If
there were true workers' control, he might find himself
ousted. Most Movement ventures exist hand-to-mouth, and
the entrepreneur can always tell himself that a couple
of weeks of financial chaos would wreck that precarious
balance and run the enterprise into the ground. The rationale
for retaining control may be Political: the entrepreneur
as Professional revolutionary finds it necessary to keep
Political control of the little Iskra, lest
the bourgeois revisionists get it into their slimy
paws, or the soft minds of the shitworkers be led
stray. The means to that control is seldom an obvious
role as boss, for anti-authoritarianism is as deep-rooted
among women in the Movement as among men.
No, the
successful entrepreneur uses all the forms of workers' control and
collective decision making. He may covertly despise these indirect,
time-consuming methods. Or he may have contempt instead for those
who attempt to work without them, and feel morally superior because
of his attachment to the forms of participatory democracy. This
distinction is equivalent to the different between the modes of
the male supremacist and the male liberal: but both aim to retain
vary. The macher may play off faction against faction or
appear to float above petty quarrels. He may form sexual alliances,
sabotage others, repeat gossip, start rumors, flatter, sow suspicion,
retain the switchboard-control central function, flirt, listen
to troubles, pay attention. Since most people in this society
are dreadfully lonely, a little attention is a pungent tool. But
he must always keep the others from combining.
On one
Movement staff where I worked, there was one macher; a
couple of other males who did not challenge his hegemony,
plus a two thirds majority of women. Whenever we
threatened to form an alliance on anything that mattered, the macher would
begin jiggling the sexual balance of the group, pursuing
publicly one of the staff or another until he had
succeeded in creating a harem atmosphere in which all attention
once again centered on him. He would use his confidant
relationship to the staff members to persuade each
to talk about the others, comments he would remember
and reveal as if reluctantly at the proper moment.
Even the fact that he was sexually involved with
only one of the staff could be turned to moral advantage,
for he would keep her in her place (on his right
hand, just under the thumb) by constantly pointing out that
he could in fact be involved with the others, by
ignoring her in the office, and flirting and teasing, and creating
a constant subsurface tizzy centering on his person.
None of this, of course, was ever openly discussed.
The superficial reality was business as usual, bureaucratic
efficiency and personal relations kept out of the
office. The effect was to make his position impregnable and
enable him to dismiss whomever he chose.
The ability
to dismiss from a collective is as important as the ability to recruit.
One effective method is to stir up the workers so they themselves
expel the person threatening the macher's power. If the expulsion
is carried out in the name of workers' control
or women's liberation, an expulsion whereby the entrepreneur's power is strengthened,
the irony is complete. If the threat to the macher's power
is a woman, he will probably carry out the expulsion
himself. If he has recruited her sexually, he can
expel her on the same basis. There is a false Puritanism
in never publicly permitting the allusion to relationships
everyone knows about.
The male
supremacist tends to exploit women new to the Movement or on its
fringes, His concept of women is conventionally patriarchal: they
are for bed, board, babies and, also, for doing his typing and running
his office machines and doing his tedious research. By definition
women are bourgeois: they are housewives and domesticators. A woman
who begins to act independently is a threat and loses her protected
status. He can no longer use her.
Such a
man will sit at his desk with his feet up and
point to the poster on his wall of a Vietnamese woman with her rifle on her
back, telling you, "Now that is a truly liberated woman. When I see you in that role,
I'll believe you're a revolutionary." He has all
the strength of the American tradition of Huckleberry
Finn escaping down river from Aunt Polly, down through
Hemingway where the bitch louses up the man-to-man understanding,
to draw upon in defense of his arrogance. Not only are
women losers, but for a woman to think of herself is
bourgeois subjectivity and inherently counterrevolutionary.
Now dear, of course you find your work dull. What the
Movement needs is more discipline and less middle-class
concern with one's itty-bitty self!
At times
it may seem to women as if the only way to win their battle is to
form some sort of women's brigades and achieve instant liberation
by eliminating that whole part of life which hurts the most and competing
with the men in meeting goals set by the male-dominated movement.
But where women have fought beside their men, how often afterwards
they have found themselves right back where they were before. It
is easy for men to deal with women as quasi-equals, all soldiers
together, during a long or short crisis, but inside their heads in
all the old dominance/submission machinery and the old useful myths
about mom and the playmate and good girls and bad girls.
The male
liberal respects the pride of women. He has
learned well the rhetoric of women's liberation and offers apparent partnership.
He will permit small doses of spokesmanship roles, so long as his hegemony
is not challenged. Because he is willing to listen on a basis
of apparent equality to women who work with (for) him, he is
in a better position to draw out higher quality labor. He is just as
career-oriented and just as exploitative as the male supremacist, but he
gives back enough tidbits of flattery and attention to make the relationship
appear reciprocal by contrast with what goes on with bullied
males, and he is by far the more efficient long-range co-opter.
Often a
woman working with a male liberal will learn imperceptibly to accept
a double standard for his behavior: alone with her when she is his
equal; and with other machers; when he will pretend essentially
not to know her. After all, he will gain
no points by insisting others treat her as an equal. Further, if he acted
as if the woman were of importance, he might lose some control
over contacts essential in dominating his scene. Thus the woman will
come to accept the master-servant manners in public, for the sake of the
private relationship of equals. It can take her a long time to
see that the public manner reflects the power realities.
The importance
of male solidarity to enforce discrimination and contempt for
women cannot be overemphasized. The man who goes in the face of this
will find himself isolated. He will pay for betraying his caste. Men
in this society reinforce each other's acted-out manhood in many
small social rituals, from which the man who truly treats women as his
equals will be excluded.
can we over-emphasize our own acquiescence. As
I said, I have been a house nigger in the Movement. Since I was first
on my own as a skinny tough kid, nobody ever succeeded for long
in exploiting me as a woman, until I came into the Movement. Then
I lay down my arms before my brothers to make the revolution together.
How much I swallowed for my politics I have only realized in the
pain of trying to write this piece truthfully. I have also begun
to see how many male structures I took into my head in order to
make it in the male-dominated world. How often in writing this I
have been afraid, because I have incorporated so much male thinking
that I can hear the responses I am going to get. Finally I have come
to see how separated from my sisters I have been at times to preserve
one or another super exploitative relationship with one or another
male macher. As a house nigger
how much worse treatment of other women
I have watched and satisfied my conscience with vague private
protestations to the professional revolutionary in
question: nothing that would get him angry at me, you can be sure.
Two inhibitions
have acted on me constantly. One inhibition occurred in relationships
where work and sexual involvement overlapped. I have not been able
to keep tenderness and sensual joy from being converted into cooperation
in my own manipulation. One takes the good with the bad, no? The
good is loving and the bad is being used and letting others be used.
One holds on to good memories to block perceptions that would rock
the boat. Yet always what was beautiful and real in the touching
becomes contaminated by the fog of lies and half-truths and power
struggles, until the sex is empty and only another form of manipulation.
The other,
stronger inhibition comes from
having shared the same radical tradition, rhetoric, heroes, dates,
the whole bloody history of class war. It is pitifully easy for radical
women to accept their own exploitation in the name of some larger justice
(which excludes half the world) because we are taught from childhood
to immolate ourselves to the male and the family.
Once again
in the Movement, oppression is becoming something for
professionals to remove from certifiably oppressed other people.
When I am told day in and day out to shut up because our oppression
pales beside the oppression of colonialized peoples and blacks, I
remember half of them are women too, and I am reminded of my mother
telling me to eat boiled mush because the Chinese were starving and
would be glad to have it. When people are unhappy, no one can tell
them their pain is unimportant. The ruling class isn't dissatisfied:
they are healthy, well-fed, live in beauty, enjoy their own importance:
fun-loving cannibals. Our men aren't dissatisfied either.
It is true
some oppression kills quickly and smashes the body,
and some only destroys the pride and the ability to think and create.
But I know no man can tell any woman how to measure her oppression
and what methods are not politic in trying to get up off her knees.
The answer does not lie in trying to be the token woman or in trying
to learn quickly how to manipulate or shove around those who manipulate
us. Certain of any oppressed group can always rise from that
group by incorporating the manners and value system of the oppressed,
and outwitting them at their own rigged game. We want Something
We are
told that our sense of oppression is not legitimate.
We are told women's liberation is a secondary issue, to be dealt with
after the war is won. But the basis of women's oppression is economic
in a sense that far predates capitalism and the market economy
and that is woven through the whole fabric of socialization. Our
claims are the most radical, for they entail restructuring even the
nuclear family. Nowhere on earth are women free now, although
in some places things are marginally better. What we want we will have
to invent ourselves.
We must
have the strength of our anger to know what we know.
No more arguments about shutting up for the greater good should
make us ashamed of fighting for our freedom. Even since private property
was invented, we have been waiting for freedom. That passive
waiting is supposed to characterize our sex, and if we wait for the
males we know to-give up control, our great-grand-daughters will
get plenty of practice in waiting, too. We are the fastest growing
part of the Movement, and for the next few years it would be healthiest
for us to work as if we were essentially all the Movement there is,
until we can make alliances based on our politics. Any attempts to
persuade men that we are serious are a waste of precious time and
energy; they are not our constituency.
There is
much anger here at Movement men, but I know they have been
warped and programmed by the same society that has damn near crippled
us. My anger is because they have created in the Movement a microcosm
of that oppression and are proud of it. Manipulation and
careerism and competition will not evaporate of themselves. Sisters,
what we do, we have to do together, and we will see about them.