Mr. Smith, Take a Memo : I've Got Some
Things To Tell You (From Womankind- October 1971)
(Editors Note: Clerical work had one of the largest concentrations
of women in the workplace, yet supervisors were usually males who
relied on sexist conditioning to divide and rule the workplace.)
I have
been doing clerical work for six years now, ever since I graduated
high school. I can remember the anticipation of my first job as an
airlines reservationist the excitement of travel, the good
pay, and contact with the public everything a girl could want!
I went through the training period and passed with flying colors onto
the floor.
But with
supervisors standing over my shoulder and calls being surreptiously
monitored by the office manager, my excitement soon changed to fear,
insecurity, and desperation.
more than 80% of the reservations agents were women, at least 80%
of the supervisors were men. The division between the supervisors
and the agents was very distinct on the job, on breaks, on lunches,
and socially; we just never mixed anywhere.
job ended shortly after an incident between the supervisor and me.
I asked him a question and he shouted at me, insisting that I should
know the answer to that stupid question, making me feel
like a complete idiot. I burst into tears and ran from the room. Id
been humiliated and frightened by the scene. I soon realized that
there was no way I could fight that kind of treatment the supervisors
could do no wrong. I quit.
I had
other jobs, figures clerk at Proctor and Gamble row upon row
of women tallying salesmens orders in groups of 10 or so, each
group supervised by a man; Playboy magazine, front desk receptionist
, glamour job of them all, where men are kings and women are dolls;
I had no consciousness of sexist attitudes then, but I knew I spent
too much money on clothes and having my hair done every week, and
too much time in the bathroom and in front of mirrors trying to look
like one of the girls in Glamour or Vogue. My appearance seemed a
very important part of my job. The pressures to be beautiful were
very great both a social asset and in job progress.
job had its own characteristics but I began to notice similarities
between them. For instance, in every office the supervisors or their
supervisors have been men. There was always a division between the
supervisors and the clerical workers. There seemed to be some competition
between the women cliques formed, leaving out the more poorly
dressed, the more unkempt. The work women did was always typing, filing,
counting any of the little details men cant be bothered
with. There were always arguments between sections of departments.
There was often a social and physical separation between the women
who were less skilled and those who could take shorthand or type very
well. These divisions were in a lot of ways set up and encouraged
by the supervisors and managers. They only considered it a problem
if it got in the way of our following orders obediently.
We were
all called girls too, whether we were 19 or 60. But a
girl is a child, and a child doesnt have enough experience or
rationality or strength to originate useful ideas, organize and act.
Being called a girl reinforces the idea that women are incapable of
doing any but minor tasks in a business. Its an attitude that
serves the needs of a male-dominated society. Men dont have
to compete with women for their jobs because few women seriously think
of themselves as competitors. Even if they did, they soon find that
no one else did.