Socialist Feminist Conference Summer 1975 (1975)
Note: This is an announcement for the Socialist Feminist Conference
that was held in Yellow Springs OH in July 1975. The Conference raised hopes that socialist
feminism would grow and prosper.)
We believe that the time is right for a national conference on
socialist feminism. Gains made in the past decade have held out
to American women the promise of real improvements in their lives,
in increased job opportunities, more effective anti-discrimination
laws and a dawning cultural awareness of the nature of sexism.
In 1974, we saw more labor militancy among unorganized workers
than in decades, with women often providing leadership as well
as forming the majority of the rank and file. In the face of these
rising expectations, women have been particularly hard hit by soaring
unemployment and the continuing economic crisis. In addition, recent
highly organized attempts to stop passage of the Equal Rights Amendment
and outlaw abortion seem to symbolize a dangerous opposition to
the goals of the women's movement. FBI harassment of lesbian and
feminist activists in the past year make it clear to us that a
unified women's movement, with a socialist feminist analysis of
patriarchal oppression, is essential.
The strengths of the women's movement are clear. As one of the
most powerful forces for social change in this country today, we
grow by leaps and bounds. More women identify as feminists and
are organizing as such on their jobs and in their communities.
In moving beyond individual solutions, feminists are creating new
cooperative lifestyles and a women's culture which can challenge
capitalism at its roots. The rise of feminist consciousness and
the need to gain rights for women who work led to the formation
of the Coalition of Labor Union Women by segments of the labor
movement. Groups like the Third World Women's Alliance, the National
Black Feminist Organization and the Black Women's United Front
have more recently affirmed the importance of building a broad
based women's movement.
While our numbers swell, our practice has yet to reach out to
these emerging forces of women. We have yet to effectively integrate
our understanding of the common oppressions of race, class, sex
and lesbianism with our daily practice. If our movement is to realize
its potential, it is time to organize for power. We need to turn
our analysis to action, choose priorities for our struggle and
come together to win.
Across the country women are discussing these issues. Many are
building socialist feminist unions, study groups and organizing
collectives. In fusing and building on the politics of both feminism
and socialism, we are developing theories which make sense, and
strategies which are effective. We want to nurture this collective
process. That's why we're organizing this conference.
The conference is being organized by a planning committee, supported
by and made up of representatives from the following socialist
feminist unions and collectives: Berkeley/Oakland Women's Union,
Boston Area Socialist Feminist Organization, Chicago Women's Liberation
Union, Lexington Socialist Feminist Union, New American Movement
Women's Caucus (represented by the C.P. Gilman Chapter of Durham,
NC, and the Dayton Socialist Feminist Group), New York City Women's
Union, Radical Women (Seattle), Twin Cities Women's Union (Minneapolis/St.
Paul), and Valley Women's Union (Northampton, MA). As fairly large,
experienced women's organizations, these groups have been meeting
since November, 1974, to plan and organize the conference collectively.
It is scheduled for July 4, 5 and 6 at Antioch College in Yellow
Springs, Ohio.
The conference will facilitate communication among the growing
numbers of socialist feminist and activist
women and seriously examine major questions of theory, strategy
and practice. With a variety of practice, the
women's movement has yet to develop long range strategies for building
a mass revolutionary movement which
offers realizable alternatives to capitalism. We believe that socialist
feminists with a developing analysis and a history
of activism are cutting new strategic directions within the women's
movement and the left. The conference will be a
place to share our organizing experiences, broaden our perspectives
and assert socialist feminism as a strategy for
We see it as a working conference, which can help socialist feminists
join with other activist women to spur the women's movement on
in realizing its potential. We don't believe that the time is right
for setting up any kind of national organization, although we do
want to develop regional and national communication networks. Neither
is the conference planned as an introductory debate on the merits
of either feminism or socialism.
In order to provide a beginning point for discussion, the planning
committee has agreed on three principles of unity for the conference
which follow:
1. We recognize the need for and support the existence of the
autonomous women's movement throughout the revolutionary process;
11. We agree that all oppression, whether based on race, class,
sex or lesbianism, is inter-related and the fights for liberation
from oppression must be simultaneous and cooperative; and
Ill. We agree that socialist feminism is a strategy for revolution.
The conference is open to any woman who is in general sympathy
with the three points of unity and the goals of socialist feminism.
Women who are actively working on issues of concern to women in
their communities, at their work places, in alternative institutions
or in feminist and non-sectarian left organizations are especially
encouraged to attend. We expect 600 -800 women to attend.
The projected format for the conference is designed to provide
equal time on theory, strategy and practice, while recognizing
that it is unproductive to discuss one without relating it to the
others. The planning committee has made special efforts to plan
a humane schedule and an environment to reflect women's culture.
Music, dance, drama, art and films will accompany political presentations
and discussions. Large meetings of the whole have been minimized
and interspersed with extended workshop times and small group discussions.
Most of the collective work of the weekend will go on in strategic
workshops. We have planned these around the three primary areas
in which activist women have been organizing and applying strategies:
1. Work Place Organizing; 11. Community Organizing; and 111. Building
a Socialist Feminist Movement. After an initial session, each of
these will be subdivided into four or five smaller groups which
will then meet three more times during the conference. In this
way each conference participant will have the opportunity to meet
with the same group of women throughout the weekend, developing
strategies for organizing.
We need diversity as well as intensive work. For this reason we've
planned for numerous small workshops which will offer time to share
skills, exchange information and ideas, and provide practical examples
of various organizing techniques. Topics for small workshops will
include: Art and Revolution, Feminist Therapy, Women and Radio,
Wages for Housework, Health Advocacy, and others.
We on the planning committee believe that this conference is going
to be one of the most exciting, creative an productive feminist
gatherings held in years. We've got major questions to discuss,
programmatic successes an failures to share, songs to sing, fun
to have, plays to watch and skills to learn. That's why we've planned
this conference. Come share with us, celebrate our victories and
plan with us for a better tomorrow. Come to the conference!
Friday, July 4th
9:00 -11:00 REGISTRATION
11:00 -12:00 Welcome to the Conference
12:00-1:30 LUNCH
1:30 -2:30 Meeting of the Whole: Where Do We Go From Here?- Socialist Feminist Theory and Practice
2:45-3:45 Small Group discussions of above presentation
4:00-5:30 Small Workshops, Films and Recreation
5:30-7:30 DINNER
7:30 -8:30 Strategic Workshops: i. Work Place Organizing; ii. Community Organizing;and iii. Building Our Movement.
8:30-10:00 Each of the above Strategic Workshops subdivides into discussions of major strategic questions.
Saturday, July 5th
7:30-9:00 BREAKFAST
9:00 -9:45 Meeting of the Whole: Confronting the Economy as Socialist Feminists
9:45-10:00 Break for group exercise and
10:00-12:00 Systems of Oppression (discussions of the common oppressions of
race, class and lesbianism.
12:00-1:30 LUNCH
1:30-3:30 Subdivided Strategic Workshops
3:30-4:00 FREETIME
4:00-5:30 Small Workshops, Films and
5:30-7:30 DINNER
7:30 Play Presented by CIRCLE OF
THE WITCH, Twin Cities Women's Union
8:30 PARTY
Sunday, July 6th
7:30-9:00 BREAKFAST
9:00-10:30 Subdivided Strategic
10:45-12:00 Small Workshops
12:00-1:30 LUNCH
1:30-3:30 Regional Meetings
3:45-4:00 Final Meeting of the Whole -
Brief Wrap Up of the Conference