(Editor's note: This is an account by a Chicago anti-war activist
of a trip to Paris to meet the PRG women (our so-called "enemy")
during the Southeast Asia war.)
were fifteen Americans in this delegation to Paris; we were called
the Little Fish Brigade to point up our primary involvement
as local antiwar organizers as opposed to the previous brigades
of socalled Big Fish, the organizers of the national
mass demonstrations. We came from San Diego, New Orleans, Philadelphia,
Chicago, and brought with us all the fragmentation and confusion
of the American Peace Movement. It was a struggle for us (Zippies
and Yippies, Maoists and Activists ) to drop personal agendas for
once and work together. Our best efforts, though, went toward the
womens meeting.
met first as American women, prior to our scheduled evening with
the women of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South
Vietnam, to discuss what our topics of inquiry would be. They were
questions of history and culture, of womens roles in
Vietnam and how they have changed since the 1930s, questions
of how that change has occurred and how it is seen by Vietnamese
both men and women.
the time the Vietnamese women entered the meeting room in the
PRG headquarters, there was a strong feeling of solidarity with
us as women, the sort of feeling that doesnt translate easily
into words. There-was also an incredible feeling of warmth, and
laughter came easily. We settled quickly the details of procedure
- who would translate, what our areas of interest were. Mme Van,
one of the women present, had done a taped interview on the subject
of women a few months before with other Americans. She was eager
for the chance to do a new and improved tape. Her eagerness was
began with questions about the status of women - before Hos
revolution, before the 1930s. Their series of answers was
like reading an old Pearl Buck novel. It was a similar story to
that of China: If a woman had five daughters but no son,
she was not considered to have a family. But if she had only one
son, and no other children, she was thought to have a family.
It was there that the liberation movement began, amidst all the
old heavily stacked values, values that said only the manchild
and only men were of value, that women were of no worth whatsoever.
of the earliest guidelines that Ho Chi Minh issued from Hanoi
threw the old values into question. One of the first was a reform
in inheritance laws. For centuries a womans right to inherit
property from a deceased relative came at the end of the list
of male relatives, regardless of rank or closeness of ties. After
all of the 5th and 6th cousins, the brothers-inlaw to the
fourth generation removed, after Uncle Phams nieces
son, would the wife of the deceased finally enter the picture,
IF there was anything left to be inherited.
this type of legal change, including more sweeping changes that
came with land reform, laid a groundwork for a new image in the
Vietnamese womans mind; It laid a groundwork for a revolution
in womens values, for a liberation movement that was set
to free not just territory from the hands of French colonials,
neo-colonial Americans and corrupt Saigonese elites, but to free
also and above all, the people, the peasants, the intellectuals,
the men, and the women.
in Vietnam were not slow to join the liberation struggle. At
first the resistance, especially in the homes, was enormous.
For Vietnamese women, especially young women, were occupied night
and day with all sorts of servile roles and expectations. They
were to be cleaning all day, shining whatever there was to shine.
The process was that as a woman began to work with the forces
struggling for liberation, she began to cut down, just a little
at first, on the number of hours that she put into housework.
She still managed to do everything, just not quite as fastidiously.
Over a period of time, she began to explain to the parents, or
her family, that it was only important that things be clean,
not that they be sparkling.
women came into the struggle, they assumed special roles,
focusing on education at first, but soon encompassing military roles
in some of the special womens divisions, and more risky and
clandestine roles - transporting important materials, communicating
with the puppet troops, spreading the message of the peoples
war. Now, as has been the case in numerous liberation struggles,
including the Farm Workers programs in the western United
States, women play a key and massive part in the struggle in Vietnam.
talked some about the reaction of Vietnamese men to the changes
as they occurred. At first there was some resistance to the women
who became active, we were told. But change became more widespread
through the work of the National Liberation Front (the forces
fighting the U.S. military in South Vietnam, called the Viet
Cong in U.S. newspapers). In the education of each male cadre,
the NLF offers a compulsory course on women. The men must study
famous Vietnamese women of their countrys history. They must learn,
of course, about the position of women in the Eastern world, and
they must, most importantly, care for all of their needs as members
of the cadre. For the first time, they must learn to sew, to prepare
food and to cook, to exist without their lifelong slaves.
Nguyen Ngoc Dung told us of her brother-in-law. Not unlike many
Vietnamese men, he had always insisted that everything be prepared
and in order. At meal time, this meant of course, complete service,
down to the point that his wife had to remove the bones from
his fish before he would eat it. A few years ago, he joined the
liberation struggle and spent a year with the NLF cadre school.
He came back, she said, a changed man. Not only did he not demand
things and service, but he actually helped his wife, sought out
things to do, and needless to say, he removed his own fishbones.
this time, Le Mai, the only man present, departed from
his role as stand-by interpreter to back up the story. In a joking
way, he spoke of how he himself had been changed. Mme Van
and he shared a laugh that came somewhere from past secrets told. As
I watched Le Mai smile, it formed a sharp contrast to the
joking of Americans about women s liberation, the cartoons, the smirkinq,
the resentful laughter. Nothing in Le Mais smile hinted of resentment
or envy, or fear; he conveyed a clear attitude of It amazes
me in an almost humorous way to see how I have changed in my attitudes
toward women. It was a smile of deep gratitude that said
something like I am richer for this.
else was shared, all in a similar simplicity. Some of it made
me realize other important aspects of the movement in Vietnam;
they stressed the achievements of their mathematicians, their
scientists, their musicians. The voice of song will rise
above the sound of the bombs, and their victory will hardly
be called military. The liberation movement in Vietnam, today
and since the 30s, has been, as nearly as we can tell, a
full and complete movement, advancing the culture and the people
at the same time that it takes severe B-52 bombing, encouraging
societal reforms as it strives to grow rice in regions threatened
by bomb-damaged dikes. An important part of that revolution, or
that liberation struggle, has been the womens struggle,
but even more than that has been the importance of women in the
total struggle.
Eileen Kreutz was a member of Chicagos AntiWar Work
Group. The Anti-War Work Group did educational work about the
Indochinese War - the bombing of North Vietnams dikes, the
nature of U.S. anticivilian policies, the Nixons administrations
war policies.