What is Women's Liberation? from
Secret Storm (undated, but probably 1975-1976)
(Editors Note: A statement from the Outreach Group on the meaning
of women's liberation.)
the past few years, there's been plenty of talk about Women's Liberation.
Although many people know and agree with the ideas of
Women's Liberation, there still seems to be some distorted impressions
of what it's all about. One of which is that all women should hate
men. Actually, many women in our organization are married with children.
Others enjoy meaningful relationships with men and choose not to
live the married lifestyle. Nevertheless, we all struggle with men
over their ideas that women's abilities should be limited. Some men
feel threatened by women's liberation because it represents opposition
to the traditional training they have undergone throughout their
lives. Another distorted impression is that women's liberation would
mean an end to their relationship with their boyfriend or for the
married woman, divorce. The truth is that women's liberation is basically
a "woman awareness program"; educating women about themselves. Though
this learning process, women begin to set aside their doubts and
place higher value on themselves, their thoughts and emotions.
Education means realization which is sometimes a painful experience.
For many, this would inevitably mean a process of changes. Any basically
good relationship will survive these changes and be strengthened
by them - not destroyed. Becoming more aware of yourself is the first
step to understanding yourself. Understanding enables you to deal
with yourself and others more effectively which means living a happier
more fulfilled life.
Most men in this country are paid just enough to survive,
and most women are paid less; simply because they are women.
Forty-two percent of all women are employed and that percentage
is steadily increasing. Employees still seem to think " a woman seeking employment needs a little extra money";
or if you're single, " it's just a matter of time before you get married
and leave." For those already married, no employee wants to hire a "soon
to be pregnant woman . Employees use that type of reasoning to justify
the low pay for the majority of people they employ - women. The
proverbial second rate (women) they hire, the more profits
they pocket. The women's liberation movement says women should be given
equal job opportunities and equal pay for equal work.
A Woman's Place Is In The Home
Idealistic thoughts of what the wife and/or mother role should
be help us imagine our marriage being" different from everyone else". A fantasy starring " Pollyanna
and Prince Charming ".
Although no woman is forced to take on the responsibilities of
family life, no woman needs to be exploited. We have been trained
since childhood that every woman must marry and bear a child to fulfill
her "purpose" as a woman.
Women's liberation means you decide what will fulfill your life as a woman.
Those of us who choose the family lifestyle can still live a full
life if the responsibilities are shared by our husbands. Due to the
numerous duties of a marriage, such as: maid, cook, waitress, seamstress,
carpenter, painter, plumber, economic advisor and for those unemployed
- providing twenty four hour child care, are usually considered "women's work". Many women give up
outside activity and friends for these nonpaid aspects to marriage. In essence,
these women are being denied a full life by becoming involved in what they
have always believed would give them a full life - the institution of marriage.
The institution of marriage will remain a prison for many women
until their needs as women are met. Only then will they enjoy the
relationship of a friend and lover with their husband and a teacher
of their children.
Women's liberation means we must realize our needs as women,
mentally and emotionally, as well as physically and demand our needs
be taken seriously.
In our struggle to help control our reproductive lives, we
won the right to abortion. The women's movement is not anti-life;
we want to protect life, the quality of our lives and of our
children's. Women must be able to make free and informed decisions
regarding their bodies. If the right of abortion was denied us,
quality medical care would not be available, thus, women would
continue to have illegal abortions which were dangerous and at
times, resulted in death. A majority of American people feel
that a decision for an abortion is a personal one. Women now have
the right to make that decision with quality information and medical
care available .
seeking a divorce come up against
more than just huge
lawyers fees. They
face possible loss
of their children,
usually no financial
security, and their identity
changes in the eyes of
society. Having been
unemployed for various
reasons for a certain
number of years and now
in desperate need of
a job, many women face
discrimination in this
area. Credit is difficult
to obtain as well as
decent childcare for
your children. Alimony
is usually insufficient.
People now involved
in the women's movement are extending aid to women instructing them
in the different avenues of assistance available, information
regarding places for childcare, and a legal clinic to help people
obtain their own divorce without a lawyer and large fees
Changing women's
position in society is going to require a changes in expectation,
jobs, childcare, and education. We are struggling for changes
in ourselves, other individuals, institutions and policies that set
up our lives in sexist patterns.
We believe in
democracy. By that we do not mean just voting in elections, but
responsible participation of all the people affected by any decision.
We also believe men and women should work together for these changes,
building a new society in which all people will
have the opportunity to develop their full potential.