by Carol Downer
(Editors Note: This article was an address to the American Psychological
Association meeting in Hawaii, September 5, 1972. It was also published
by KNOW Inc.)
Good health care and effective delivery of family planning care can
only come from a correct understanding of how we women feel about our
own bodies, and
how we feel about male doctors, and what can be done to help us to learn more
about our own bodies.
Presently, most of us receive our obstetrical and gynecological care
from male physicians. Also research into birth control and access to
birth control information
and care is controlled by male-dominated institutions. Our question is, "Is
the quality of women's health care lowered by the fact that the male half of
the human race legislates, dictates, administrates and implements health care
for the female half of the human race?" The answer is an emphatic, "Yes. " Not
only do we, as individuals, suffer from inferior care, but the very existence
of the human race on this planet is threatened by the fact that male institutions
are forcing us to have more babies than we want. Don't misunderstand me - an
institution has as yet to make a woman pregnant. But, putting aside for the moment
the overall picture of our oppression by institutions that perpetuate male supremacy,
let's consider how women are discriminated against as medical patients. A doctor's
professional behavior and all information directed at us assumes that (1) we
don't know anything about our bodies, and (2) we are embarrassed by examination
of frank discussion of our genitals.
It is true that we have very little direct knowledge of our own bodies.
We do not touch ourselves; we do not look at ourselves. Even those
of us who search
out the information in books of anatomy have a very unrealistic and un useful
knowledge of ourselves. And there is evidence to support the doctor's statements
that we do experience embarrassment during our pelvic examinations, and we
exhibit behavior labeled"modesty. " Joan Emerson, in "Behavior
in Private Places, Sustaining Definitions of Reality in the Gynecological Examination" observed
75 gynecological exams and carefully recorded the behavior necessary for the
male physician to examine our genitals in a medical setting so that we will not
interpret his behavior as a sexual advance or as an assault. She also notes that
we are expected to maintain certain behavior to sustain the proper definitions.
For example, she notes that when an occasional patient would become nonchalant
enough to allow herself to remain uncovered for much longer than is technically
necessary she became a threat. The investigator goes on to say how the doctor
and the nurse cope with this threat. Rituals of draping, attendance of a female
nurse at the exam, carefully modulated voice and stylized conversation with props
of medical uniforms, gloves, instruments -- all help to define the situation
as a medical one. In fact, anyone reading this article will be impressed with
the extreme delicacy demanded of both doctor and patient. Emerson seems to feel
that most doctors carry off a poised performance. We feminists ask, 'Why must
this outrageous nonsense be countenanced just to maintain male supremacy in medicine
? "
In evaluating Emerson's article, we note that, like nearly all the
past and current literature in behavioral science, it is riddled with
sexist bias.
First of all,
doctors are referred to as "he" and nurses are referred to as "she" without
any serious taking into account the significance of these sex-determined roles,
other than the implicit acknowledgment that male-female relationships are so
shaky that special steps must be taken to neutralize the usual hostilities. No
attempt was made to observe female gynecologists to discover how much of the
elaborate rigamarole is necessary for them to maintain the proper relationship.
But most importantly, this article never questioned the appropriateness of the
present way of examining our genitals, or tried to explain why all parties are
willing to go through the charade, or what accounted for the embarrassment and
uneasiness that she observed. This is yet another instance of how social myopia
prevents rigorous scientific effort.
Emerson's article proves what we Feminists have been saying, and
that is that a male doctor cannot, by donning a white coat and a nonchalant
rid himself
of his socialization or change his social status, and we fail to see
why we should be asked to participate in maintaining the polite fiction
he can.
As Feminists and as citizens who are concerned with the world's population
problems we must ask these more penetrating and significant questions,
(1) "Why must
we be examined by male physicians at all,
(2) Why must all parties be subjected
to the elaborate hypocrisy necessary to perpetuate the status quo,
(3) Why do we exhibit behavior which betrays extreme embarrassment
and upset?"
answer to all three questions is that in the last 100 years males have
taken over the field of obstetrics and gynecology and that we are forced
to endure
this absurd situation with as much dignity as we can summon up. Male
physicians have notions in their heads about us; they expect us to
behave in a certain way;
their behavior in the exam setting accordingly reflects their expectations;
and lo and behold! We blush, we stammer, we lower our heads and we
get the hell out
as quickly as we can!
This situation cannot help but have deleterious results. For one
thing, doctors spend much of their time and energy "relating" to us, helping us to
unburden ourselves, giving diagnoses in a sure, confident manner, and winding
up each visit with a cheerful prognosis. This emphasis on the non-medical skills
of counseling and "psychology" is based on the recognition that many
of the physical symptoms do result from emotional problems. Male physicians,
being unable to see their complicity in maintaining the sexist society that is
putting literally unbearable strains upon us, cannot admit that oftentimes we
do not need, as one man said, "simple kindness, " but rather simple
justice. Postpartum blues are cured more by help with the housework than our
husband complimenting our hairdo; menopausal depression could be cured by allowing
us to lead meaningful, full lives at this time instead of our having nothing
to look forward to for the remaining part of our lives except ridicule, neglect
and inevitable poverty. A male physician giving a tranquilizer to help a woman
adjust to a domineering husband is equivalent to distributing opium to the enemy.
Our symptoms are dismissed as emotional in origin even when they
are not. Endometriosis is often accompanied by pain in heterosexual
We are told that
we must learn to enjoy sex - by the time we find out that our pain
is not
psychological in origin, the condition has progressed where even surgery
will not totally
In what has been described as "rape of the pelvis, " our
uteri, and ovaries are removed often needlessly. Our breasts and all
supporting muscular
tissue are carved out brutally in radical mastectomy. Abortion and
preventive birth control methods are denied us unless we are a certain
age, or married or
perhaps they are denied us completely. Hospital committees decide whether
or not we can have our tubes tied. Unless our uterus has "done
its duty, " we're
often denied. We give birth in hospitals run for the convenience of
the staff. We're drugged, strapped, cut, ignored, enemaed, probed,
shaved - all in the
name of "superior care. " How can we rescue ourselves from
this dilemma that male supremacy has landed us in? The solution is
simple. We women must take
women's medicine back into our own capable hands. It has been proven
that female paramedics can take over routine gynecologic procedures.
We can do things ourselves,
for ourselves and for other women. The profession of midwifery must
be renewed. The profession of nursing must be restored to its former
place. I'd like to mention
in passing that all of us have been losers in the power play that subordinated
nurses to doctors in hospitals. Nurses, most of whom happen to be women,
are an important part of the medical team. Their ability to carry out
their role
in preventive medicine has been seriously harmed by the unwarranted
promotion of the M. D. to the head of the medical team. A nurse who
has been trained as
an independent professional is forced into antiquated rituals of submission
- such as always allowing doctors to precede her and is rarely given
the same respect
and pay accorded to the M.D.
The pelvic examination is not inherently painful and embarrassing.
In programs involving female paramedics and in our experiences in the
we have found that women want to know more about their bodies; and
that they prefer
women to take care of them.
The Self-Help Clinic is not a clinic at all, but rather a kind of
meeting where we learn to examine ourselves with the plastic vaginal
and share our
experiences and feelings. We started the Self-Help Clinic a year and
a half ago because we were determined to overcome inhibitions and get
touch with
our own bodies. We were disgusted with the shoddiness and expensiveness
of the medical care we were getting; we were unwilling to accept passively
against abortion. The self-Help Clinic is one part of a giant upsurge
of interest in women's health care. The day of the all-wise male gynecologist
is over.
We want abortion on demand, home birth, female midwives, safer and
more readily available contraceptives, increased opportunity to become
and more
participation of the women's community in the delivery of health care.
As is presently being implemented in the Self-Help Clinic program
in Los Angeles and throughout the United States, women meet in small
six weekly
sessions. There, we who have some experience, show how to insert the
plastic vaginal speculum
for cervical examination and how to give bimanual pelvic examinations.
Basic information of birth control, venereal disease and cancer is
shared, and
in the informal atmosphere, we relate this information to our personal
situations. Any
initial reticence is soon overcome and before the end of the six week
period, nearly all have used the speculum in a group situation. All
of us have
our own speculum that we now include in our personal health care equipment.
or treatment is given in the class. We go to the doctor for further
answers when necessary. Our program has met with outstanding success.
We are
enthusiastic about how much we have learned, and about how much more
comfortable we
feel about
our own bodies, how we can take better care of ourselves for we have
greater self-knowledge and can be better medical consumers. We aren't
into a hysterectomy simply because we got a suspicious Pap smear reading;
we question
the doctor carefully about the risks involved in using various types
of contraceptives - when he says the risk is acceptable, we ask, "acceptable to whom;" we
shop for the best abortion as we have discovered that the most expensive abortions
are generally the worst; we don't feel guilty for taking the doctor's time when
we have a question we feel is important; and we refuse to accept any explanation
of our ills that would imply that we are dumb, or foolish or hypersensitive,
etc. Also, now that we have found out for ourselves how really simple most of
the things than an obstetrician or a gynecologist does - after all - a pregnant
woman or a woman needing an abortion is not ill we're exploring ways to learn
to do these things ourselves. Abortions are so simple, they are downright dull;
vaginal infections are diagnosed with a microscope; pap smears are easier to
do than setting our hair; fitting a diaphragm is less complicated than stuffing
a turkey. We can do these things. And time is short as the males who control
our bodies, collectively and individually, are forcing us to overpopulate this
planet. We must regain control of our reproduction by knocking down all harriers
such as laws relating to abortion, homosexuality, birth control, venereal disease,
prostitution. Research into birth control must be controlled by women. Billions
of dollars have been expended to develop noxious substances to shove down our
throats and irritating devices to shove up our uteri. Yet, it took a group of
non-professional women to develop the concept of menstrual extraction.
Now let me get into this discussion of who developed menstrual extraction
and I think you'll see the different way that the male mind works from
the female
mind. Quite a few doctors and inventors have been exploring the possibilities
of doing early abortions using the small diameter plastic cannula with
vacuum aspiration to remove the contents of the uterus. Inevitably,
the trend of
performing the procedure earlier and earlier reached ground-zero, that
is, the moment
the menstrual period was late. Procedures done in this "gray area" - after
pregnancy was suspected and before it was confirmed - were labeled"menstrual
extraction. " Meanwhile, in the women's movement we adapted the same technology
so that we could extract our menstrual periods, on time or a bit late. This we
did in groups using a specially designed device after training in an improved
technique ourselves. We are totally unconcerned with the question of whether
or not a certain menstrual extraction would be classified as an abortion. We
simply want to control our bodies, to regulate our reproduction at whatever point
we are in our reproductive cycle, or to relieve menstrual cramps, or to insure
that a menstrual period will not spoil a vacation or a venture. It is the male
mind that is fascinated with the question of whether or not a given menstrual
extraction is an abortion and whether or not his precious sperm will be interrupted
in its journey to manhood.
Dr. Elizabeth Ashley implored her colleagues to consider the gynecologic
repercussions of the dilemma of women in our culture. She prefaced
her remarks which went
ignored, by the way, with "Let me make it clear that I am no wild-eyed radical crusading
for Women's Liberation. " Let me make it clear that I am a wild-eyed radical
crusading for women's liberation from the complete ownership of our bodies by
It so happens, however, that the issues I have brought up today go
far beyond the issue of better medical care - even further than the
of women's
rights - what we are talking about is the future of the human race.
Women can and do
exercise reproductive responsibility when allowed - the question
is - will we be allowed to?
