Cleaning Up from
Womankind (1972)
(Editors Note: "Mary Blake" (her name changed for this article to avoid
retaliation), talks about growing up in Chicago and facing racial and
gender discrimination. She was a City Hall janitress and active in the
campaign to end job discrimination there.)
Mary Blake
is one or the hundreds of people who enter downtown office buildings
when most of us are just leaving for home. Twenty years ago, when
Kennelley was mayor, she was able to get a job as a janitress in a
downtown government building without any political connections.
I dont
know if I could get my job today -- I took my civil service exam and
passed, but most people today are on patronage. But my main gripe is
that we women get paid so much less. Men and women here do mostly the
same work - the men dont even do it as well - and the men still
get paid more. Most of them work someplace else all day, and then here
in the evening, so you know they have to be tired. Its because
theyre political jobs - private business would give them
the door before they even got in good. Im not trying to get any
more than they get, just to be equal. Its always been unequal.
When I first went to work here, the difference was about $300 a year,
now its around $900. They pushed us all up some, but pushed the
men up more. The others say for me to watch my step about this, because
they heard that they re trying to get rid of all the women. Course,
you never know who says these things. But the fact is, they hired a
lot of men over the summer, but not one woman in two years.
often told our man over at our union local about this pay difference.
The only answer he can give is Well, we cant ask a woman
to go out and put the flag up. Thats the only reason hes
come up with, hes never said anything different. I wonder why
cant he find something else. Thats our union --its
never been any help, and theyve got more women members than men!
Once I was asked to sign a petition for somebody to become steward of
our local, and I was asked this by the management. Well, management
isn t suppose to select a steward, and I know it, so I refused.
Our new
bosses came in as foremen, from someplace else. They didnt work
themselves up from janitors. As far as knowing about the work, I wouldnt
say they learned from doing it... they must of read a book or something.
I swear they don t know one end of a mop from the other -- and
they re telling us how to do our work!
I was the
fourth black woman to work in this place. As far as I know, there was
no pay difference between black and white women, but white women got
to work days because they had political sponsors. I went in to ask
for a transfer from the night shift to days. And all he said was How
the hell did you get in here anyway? Black women today are wider
employed, in more jobs - although we may have a little difficulty
getting them. Youll see black women working places now that
hardly let them in the door before, like in department stores. This
thing about women assuming so much initiative., some white women
are just beginning to get out and get a job, work all day and then
come home and work. But the black woman has always had to do that.
She has always had to go to work, take care of the children , come
home and cook - - take care of the children over there, feed them,
clean their house, and then come home and do the same thing at home.
I have had to do it.
I took exams
once to transfer to be a cook and passed, but unless my boss released
me from this job, I couldnt go. He said You dont want
that job, and I said, Of course I want the job - I
wouldn t have taken the exams three times if I didnt.
He said that I make more money here, but thats not the point.
Ill never make more money here than I do now, unless we get a
raise -- some years we do, some we dont. There I could work up
from one grade to another, but here, if I stay a 1,000 years, Im
just like the person who came in yesterday. A woman starting today makes
the same as I do, and Ive been here 20 years. Ive talked
to the other women here about this, and we wrote letters to our Con-Con
delegates about this pay difference. But now a lot of women are afraid.
They seem to be afraid to sign anything of protest. And I say, Well,
do you realize the only way weve ever gotten anything was through
protest? Had it not been for protest, you wouldn't have been to first
base yet. I remember when I was a little girl, with woman suffrage,
my daddy used to read the paper out laid to us after dinner--so I knew
what was going on. Most of them, they say Im already liberated
and all that kinda bunk. Half of them have husbands, not that that means
so much, because I dont think it does. But the other half, like
me, this is our sole income that s why Im scratching
so hard about it!
Most men
think they re superior to women, and when they re not, they
want no part of it. They think women are too independent if they work.
Like a neighbor of mine, he said I can t handle her now,
and if she gets a job, I wont be able to do a thing with her.
See how shaky he is about it? So a lot of these husbands are telling
these women to have nothing to do with this pay thing, not to sign anything.
been trying to tell them the more you have, the stronger you are.
I dont want to lose my job, either, but I got something
to say, and Im telling it, right up to the mayor. He just might
do something about it, because you sees if we can get enough outside
interest, besides the women who work here well, they dont
want this showing. The womens lib was over there about two weeks
ago (Aug. 26 Womens Day rally) to talk to him, and he didnt
want to do it
not afraid, although as I say, I do need my job. Im going to take
this as far as I can.
Mary Blake
is not her real name. She was not afraid to use it, but we want to
make it harder for her to organize and still keep her job.
Mayors Recommendation
janitor $677.00
janitress $596.00
1971 1970
Dept. Request Appropriation
(Recommendations for 1971 submitted to City Council, taken from Budget
Document for Year 1971, Dept. of Public Works, Bureau of Architecture
and Buildings Maintenance, Positions and Salaries, page 323.)
