The VOICE of the WOMEN's LIBERATION MOVEMENT is a national newsletter
put together by the Chicago women's groups. It is printed as often
as material, time and money permit.
For this newsletter to be a valid reflection of the radical women's
movement, it is essential that
women from all over the country send in articles, drawings, jokes,
cartoons. No one has the time or money to hound you for it - just
write and send it today.
COFFEE HOUSES (cont. from p.1)
are the descriptions of the roles which Summer of Support is asking
women to fulfill. The roles are traditional, passive and, in the case
of the latter, degrading. They come out of the chauvinist movement which,
if allowed, apparently would not be ashamed to have its counterpart
to Johnson's fleet of sexual conscripts for the Saigon and American
troops in Vietnam.
That the movement is chauvinist, that it is oblivious to the oppressive
roles it forces on women, and that it is so unabashed as to list women
as a commodity in its literature is not all that new in the movement.
The question at (cont. on p. 8)

by Kathy Kearny
Working class women on the Northwest side of Chicago were the subject
of a recent Daily New's article. They were mothers involved in
the anti-busing movement, and their remarks quoted in the article revealed
the way their status as women had influenced and formed their racism.
The women discussed how they believed most of their tax money was being
misused to support A. D. C, mothers . "I hear those women have
a different guy every night and we pay for it."' one snapped. ''Yeah,
" another sighed and added with a giggle, "while we sit home."
While this illustrates misinformation of tax expenditures and the welfare
system, it also reveals the results of exploitation and the second class
role of women in this society.
White America is imbued with racist, supremacist attitudes; white people
are both beneficiaries and victims of their racism. To be white in America
means that one benefits from better schools, enjoys the fruits of job
discrimination against other races, and has the psychological advantage
of thinking oneself superior. As a victimizing process, racism, reflects
the need for one exploited group to feel superior- the most efficient
means of maintaining a ''divided house" and a secure domain for
the ruling class. Recent history provides adequate examples of how white
workers lost their battles because their racism was stronger or more
valuable to them than was their workers' movement.
And the racism of these white working class women is characterized not
only by their class attitudes, but also by the additional oppression
of their sex, as illustrated in the article.
Their backgrounds showed a clear picture of the society's exploitation
of them as women (i. e. , they quit school to marry, worked at poorly-paying
jobs to pay for their homes, etc.). Their own opinions of their lives?
They describe them as dull, drab, nothing but work.