A Position Paper on Radical Women in the Professions,
or, Up from Ridicule/ Marlene Dixon
Towards a Radical Women 's Movement/ Marilyn Salzman Webb
Women in the Radical Movement: A Reply to Ramparts/ Evelyn Goldfield
with Heather Booth and Sue Munaker
The Look is You- Towards a Strategy for Radical Women/ Naomi Jaffe &
Bernadine Dohrn
Some aspects of the Situation of South Vietnam 's Women & Children
Under the U.S. Puppet Regime/ a document of the South Vietnam Women's
Liberation Union
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COFFEE HOUSES (cont. from p. 2)
hand is whether women should participate in a program which comes fully
garnished with these attitudes.
One of the Chicago women's groups spent some time considering this project.
At first, our attitude toward the coffee houses was mostly violent opposition.
We sent a few women in the group to visit the coffee house in Waynesville,
Missouri. What they discovered was encouraging. Women working in the
coffee house were able to relate to G. I- 's on many levels, their roles
were not strictly defined, and they shared equally with men in running
the coffee house, The chauvinism and oppression they met came from individuals
and was not built into the institution itself.
These impressions caused us to conclude that the coffee house project
could be nonoppressive to women provided that co-ed staffs were maintained
and women participated fully in all decision making, We are not ignoring
the fact that we have been treated as objects in the planning of this
project. What we had to be certain about was that the movement's chauvinism
was not being institutionalized into a summer project, Fortunately,
this does not seem to be happening.
this project shows is that the movement remains as chauvinist as any
other part of society. Its commitment to fight oppression does not extend
to fighting oppression of women in fact, the movement is more than willing
to oppress, use and manipulate women as it chooses. We learn again that
women will never be free, respected human beings until there is a strong
women 's movement which defines and demands the rights of women both
in the movement and the society at large.
CUBA (cont. from p. 3)
independent, aggressive), men will find it less difficult to accept
women as partners. Fortunately, there is so much that needs to De done
that women can lead full lives now and needn't wait for men to accept