Voice of the Women's Liberation Movement-
NATIONAL CONFERENCETentative plans have been made to hold a national conference of radical women and women's liberation groups this Fall, near Xmas. This would commemorate the 120th anniversary of the Seneca Falls Convention which began the first women's movement in addition to giving us a chance to get together. For more information, write Laya Firestone and Marilyn Webb, c/o The Institute for Policy Studies |
Sept.7, nearly 150 women committed to women's liberation from New York,
New Jersey, Washington D.C, Florida, Boston and Detroit, converged on
Atlantic City to protest the degrading image of women perpetuated by
the Miss America Pageant.
when they are no longer ripe for exploitation as sex objects; the Madonna Whore image of womanhood which means that Miss America must be--seductive in a bathing suit and at the same time be pure and untouched; and the whole idea of beauty contests, which create one "winner" and (Continued on p. 5) REALWOMEN CHAINED TO AMERIKA-DOLLY In guerilla theater skit In Atlantic City. |