Academic Links
women's studies programs developed out of the second wave of feminism
and have been evolving ever since.
We welcome
suggestions of academic sites to link to. The Internet is always changing,
so we would also appreciate reports of sites that have moved or simply
ceased to exist.
for Research on Women and Gender-Located in the University of
Illinois at Chicago, the Center is especially noted for its work in
women's health. The Center sponsors the CWLU Herstory Project.
Womens Studies Association-The professional organization for
women's studies people.
Studies Database- A searchable database at the University of
Maryland with impressive academic resources.
Studies Programs Worldwide- A extensive list of women's studies
programs maintained by Joan Korenman at the University of Maryland.
Guide to Women's Studies in the US- An alphabetical listing
of colleges and universities with women's studies programs.
Studies Programs and Campus Women's Centers in the US- A listing
maintained by musician Gerri Gribi.
Programs in Women's Studies - A list created and updated by
Smith College.
Collections Roundtable Directory- Compiled by the Society of
American Archivists, this comprehensive guide to women's history archives
around the nation has short descriptions and complete contact information.
Women's Audiovisuals in English(WAVE) is a guide to nonprint resources
on women compiled by the University of Wisconsin.
Jo Freeman is a feminist scholar whose site contains a large number
of her articles on women's history, activism and politics. Highly recommended.
Charles Deering McCormick Library of Special Collections- One
of the Northwestern University libraries, it has a collection of Graphics
Collective posters as well as paper documents from various CWLU health
Lesbian Herstory Archives - A very thorough description of this
NY based research center. Although not an on-line archive, they have
an extensive collection of documents, periodicals, books, photos, AV
materials and oral histories.
Chicago Historical Society- The CHS has the largest collection
of CWLU paper documents available. If you are doing primary research
on the CWLU, this is the place to go.
Regional Directory- An
amazing collection of resources about Illinois. Includes many women-related
Science Information Gateway- A very well organized British portal
site that has an excellent women's history section. The CWLU Herstory
site is featured here and earned an Editor's Choice.
Information Center and Archives for the Women's Movement in the Netherlands-
An impressive database and resource center with a collection of books
and documents dating back to 1578. Has an international section as well.
The site is in Dutch and English.
Library -One of the finest libraries in the United States for
doing research on women, it is a part of the Radcliffe Institute at
Harvard University. The papers of Naomi Weisstein, a CWLU founder, are
in the Schlesinger Library.
Public Library Women's Studies Resources -An extensive set of
resources including links, short bios of prominent Chicago women, a
guide to historical sites, a good section on the Suffrage Movement and
Information Network for Women and Girls in Illinois -A treasury
of links leading to research tools and resources about women and girls
in Illinois.