There are
several documentary videos which either include CWLU activities or have
interviews with people involved with the CWLU.
In addition,
raw footage of the Chicago Women's Graphics Collective and the Chicago
Women's Liberation Rock Band also exist. We hope that these will eventually
appear in VHS and DVD format as well.
These links go directly to the video distributors. Most may be ordered
directly online.
An Abortion Service is an inspiring documentary video about
the CWLU affiliated abortion service produced by Kate Kirtz and Nell
Lundy. Excerpts from this video appear on this site. Available through
Woman Made Films.
From Danger to
Dignity: The Fight for Safe Abortion is Dorothy Fadiman's
history of underground abortion networks and the fight to legalize
abortion. Jody Parsons and Ruth Surgal of the CWLU affiliated Jane
are among those featured. Available from Concentric Media.
The Chicago Maternity
Center Story from Chicago's award-winning Kartemquin Films
shows the struggle to save home birth in Chicago. CWLU members Suzanne
Davenport and Jenny Rohrer worked on the production of this documentary.
Excerpts from this video will appear on this site. Available though
Facets Multimedia.
Blood is part of the People's Century series. It contains
news footage and interviews about the 1960's and 1970's and was produced
by WGBH and the BBC. Vivian Rothstein, one of the founders of the
CWLU, is interviewed. Available through WGBH.
Harmonies chronicles the Women's Music
Cultural Movement
and revolution
in the roles of
women in music and culture. The video includes
a short sequence of the Chicago Women's Liberation Rock Band
narrated by former band member Susan Abod. Holly Near, Bernice
Reagan, Kristin Lems, and Meg Christian are among the many fine
performers featured.
You Don't Look Sick tells how former Chicago Women's Liberation
Rock Band and CWLU member Susan Abod is living with Chronic Fatigue
Immune Dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS) and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
(MCS). Susan describes in detail the nature of her illness. Also includes
comments from Susan's numerous doctors and a visit with her CFIDS
support group. Available from the Cinema Guild at 1-800-723-5522.
Union Maids tells the story of three union activists from the labor
uprisings of the 1930's. One of these women, Vicky Starr, later joined
the CWLU. Available from New Day Films.
Rebels With a
Cause is the first documentary to tell the history of SDS
(Students for a Democratic Society). SDS was the largest student radical
group of the 1960's and a number of CWLUers had experience as SDS
members. The film has an interview with Vivian Rothstein, a CWLU founder.
Available from Shire Films.
is Contagious
focuses on second wave feminism and its links to the student radicals
of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS). Casey Hayden, Vivian
Leburg Rothstein, Marilyn Salzman Webb, Bernardine Dohrn, Alice Embree
and Cathy Wilkerson. are among those interviewed. Available
from Shire Films, 26873 Hester Creek Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95033 -- (408)
353-4253. ($25 + $2 postage for individuals, see website for institution