Joreen, Chicago
The Southern Students' Organizing Committee (P.0, Box 6403,
Nashville, Tenn. 37212) has made women's liberation one of
the topics covered by their speakers bureau., Lynn Wells of SSOC is tentatively
calling a
Southern Radical Women's Conference in February,
The Women's Revolutionary Liberation Front in Boston has set
up a female cooperative commune. Roxanne Dunbar reports that "we plan
to analyze and act upon our analysis of societies which base their assumptions
about human behavior on caste differences. We assume that the basic and
oldest caste distinction is the subordination of the female to the male.
We are going to set up a fully automated community as a model of the new
Lost and found at the national conferenceone long, left-handed,
black leather glove and a wooden barrett. They can be claimed
by writing the VWLM,
The Southern Conference Educational Fund will provide subsistence
to Carol Hanisch, formerly of the New York Radical Women's
Group, for six months this year to "explore the organizing potentials in the South
for Women"s liberation. Her work will include. 1) talking to other
movement women informally and in conference; 2) experimenting with a caucus
in existing SCEF projects; 3) initiating a women's project--probably with
poor white and black women.
Radio WBAI in New York has produced a series of five hour-long
programs on abortion which were broadcast during
December and January, Tapes of the programs can be borrowed
by groups for a small deposit.
Contact James Clapp, 607 E. 12th St. , NYC 10009-To inquire
about broadcasting the series on other stations., contact Kay
Lindsey, WBAI, 30 E.
39th St. , NYC 10016.
Karen Genter reports that women in the
the Ohio State University SDS have formed a women's liberation
group. "Having male chauvinism problems and many female organizational
problems, at this point internal education is where we are
at." Interested women can reach her at 1305 Neil Ave. , Columbus, Ohio
43201. Other new
chapters and contacts are: Charlotte Weeks, 1751 Bryn Mawr,
#1, East Cleveland, Ohio 44112 (216-268-5131); Connie Ciulla, 355 Colvin,
Buffalo, NY 14216;
Sally Pollak, 365 Madisop., Albany, NY 12210; Sidney Sharpe,
Box 113, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. (Cont, P.
DIXON (From P. 1),
The Chicago Maroon, 1/7/69, reported that: ''Marlene Dixon
has held her joint appointment for the last 3 years; this
was her first teaching position. She received
her BA and PhD from the University of California at Los Angeles, She has made
no secret of her new left political persuasion. She has been active in women
s liberation groups and most recently in the New University Ccnference., "
The pat official
comment for such occasions was given by Morris Janowitz., Chairman
of the DoS, "Pecple come here for 3 or 4 years not necessarily expecting
reappointment. A decision of nonreappointment is not a blow professionally. "
What is not mentioned
in the Maroon or in much of the discussion are the kinds of pressures Marlene
faced, As the first woman hired by the DoS in 15 years,
Marlene was at once a token and lucky and never allowed to forget it. She felt
a pressure to publish because she wanted to prove that a woman could make it,
But she felt more strongly the need to be responsible to herself and to be a
good teacher as well as a
competent scholar, She was always available to her students,
often sacrificing time she needed for writing and research.
She influenced her students not to be mere academicians, but to use their skills
change in this country, (Cont. P. 7)
