Wouldn't you know it; the newspapers are fighting the
law. Rather than submit to the ruling of the Equal Employment Opportunities
Com-mission to desegregate their want-ads by December 1, 1968, the
American Newspaper Publishers Association and the Washington Star
filed suit
in federal court, ANPA claims that the EEOC has no authority to make
such a regulation, that compliance would hurt job seekers employers
and newspapers and that "newspaper and their advertisers are unwilling
to depart so radically from a successful system," (Sucessful for
whom?) ANPA lost the first round but did get the court to enjoin
the EEOC from enforcing the ruling while they appeal the decision.
This could take from six months to a year
In the meantime . the only newspaper in the country to
desegregate was the stodgy New York Times . This is in part due to the
in November by the New York City Dept. for Consumer Affairs that
they would enforce the EEOC's ruling by revoking the license of any
We suspect it is also due to the fact that local NOW and WLM women
have been picketing the Times for weeks.
Shirley Chisholm of Brooklyn took office this month as
the first black woman ever elected to the US Congress, A devoted feminist
she said she is going to continue to address herself to the concerns
women. "The rest of the world has to be done by women across the
U.S .. particularly the mobilizing of pressure groups, The pressure
has to be a relentless pressure; otherwise the men in Congress feel
they don't have to pay much attention to women, Women must be dedicated
and aggressive because America is a society where if you are not aggressive..
you are left behind."
Revolutionary Age , a quarterly published by Freedom
Socialist Publications, has put out a Special issue on "American
Women and the Radical Movement." It
can be purchased from them for 60 cents at 3117 E. Thomas, Seattle,
Washington 98102.
S D S (From P.
Men and women labor collectively, but for the benefit of the few.
The "primary" oppression in our society is that of the
working class by the ruling class.
This conflict is primary because unless it is resolved, no others
can be resolved. Yet there are other forms of oppression in our society,
named "secondary contradictions" by the NC . For example,
the oppression of blacks by whites, young people by adults, women by
men. No one denied that adult paternalism, racism., male chauvinism
exist. But the argument between PL and many non-PL types centers around
how much the"secondary" contradictions take on a life of their
own. PL believes that the liberation of youth and women (Their argument
with respect to blacks is less clear) will take place as a natural by-product
of a successful working-class revolution, They stress that adults..
whites. men, are not the real enemy; the ruling class is.
agreed that the ruling class is the ultimate enemy., But many women
felt that a socialist revolution did not necessarily liberate
women, They argued that men are are in fact opp- (Cont, p
. 9)
DIXON (From P. 2)
Even those who disagreed with her felt she was a challenging
Marlene was isolated from the mainstream, careerist University
of Chicago faculty both by the type of work that she did
and her attitudes
toward her role as a teacher, She did much research but because
of its antiestablishment nature, it was not welcomed in the
proper professional
journals. Besides her regular teaching load and her research,
Marlene held special study groups for those interested.
attended political
meetings, organized a group of graduate women into a women's
group, and helped
to organize and maintain the women's caucus of the New University
Conference. (Cont. p. 8) |