I used to teach art in a private
home for unwed mothers, most of them. twenty year old, white middle-class
women from small towns
who had come to the city to hide and put their babies up for
adoption. The
fund raising brochure lists one of the main functions of the Home
as helping to "conceal an unwanted pregnancy from the community",
This is one of the unexamined. unconvincing explanations the house
gives for its existance--unconvincing, when you consider fact
that the mothers are not accepted into the home until they
they four to five months pregnantIn maternity clothes some
with legs already swathed in Dr. Scholl's flesh
colored stockings for varicose veins and tired muscles, In general
everyone in their hometowns already knows that they are pregnant,
especially their
fathers who have been told that they are studying fashion design
in New York city.
motives of the Methodist chewing gum manufacturer who first
endowed the
home sixty years ago, and whose trust
fund is still called The Fund for Fallen Women w ere probably
suspect as hell.
He's not, alone. There are hundreds of
similar institutions across the country
respectable staffed with concerned social
workers, psychiatrists, nurses, dieticians,
pediatricians obstreticians and volunteer
Republican club women.. All their statements of purpose sound relatively
harm less; they assure good prenatal care in
a controlled environment, carefully chosen adoptive homes therapy
is offered,
usually insisted upon, it doesn't sound any
more paternalistic and authoritarian than
most social welfare institutions, but it
is a good example of the particular way
institutions oppress women in our society.
What must be seer is that the basic reason for the existence of *his
is punishment of ''fallen women ". |
the unnatural situation the uncomplaining woman finds herself in.
In,, ing in an alien, isolated. crummy Victorian mansion with twenty
other women, each with a belly as full as hers, with back aches
varicose veins, stretch marks, piles, and a matching story of failure
and loss.
People at times of birth, sickness and death are probably their
most vulnerable and most in need of their community
friends and family for support. These
young women go to give birth to a baby
without a friend or relative to hold their hands, and they give up
that baby without the support and understanding of the people who
love them. They aren't even allowed to grieve properly because
it might endanger
the morale of the institution as it certainly would, because only
a hererogeneous community can absorb grief naturally.
job at the home was peripheral, I taught arts and crafts a few
hours a week, In the beginning. when I didn't it all too clearly
I could, deliver a sincere and sensible decision to give
up their babies for adoption. My program was to provi,de them with
a sublimation of
their condition, They conceive an idea, nurture it. and finally produce
an object d'art they could appropriately return home with—this wa's
to make up for the baby. This justified my job to the director. The
was that it didn't work. Very little the mothers did was important
to them.
They really took little interest in keeping what they had made. Lining
the shelves of the craftsroom
like a tiny motley parade were dozens of their rejects--funny, lumpy
clay forms, some woodcuts and a few paintings of the most aggressive,
spikey butterflies I've ever seen. The little figures they modeled
were very poignant to me. They made nude women of clay with strangely
distorted breasts and bellies, perhaps revealing fear and the lack
of control the
pregnant women
felt over their bodies. Cont. p. 5 )