Women and Children First Bookstore has a Great
February Line-up
Chicago's Women and Children First Bookstore will
host a number of authors this month including:
Feb. 20
7:30 p.m.
Nuala O'Faolain: My Dream of You
Newly out in paperback, My Dream of You is the fiction debut of Nuala
O'Faolain, whose memoir Are You Somebody? was a critically acclaimed
bestseller. My Dream of You tells the story of a London travel writer
who returns to her native Ireland to research the story of a scandalous
affair between an English landlord and his Irish servant 150 years ago.
Her research leads her into her own affair-and a story that explores
the extremes of passion, the depths of loneliness, and the resilience
of the human heart.
Wed., Feb. 27
7:30 p.m.
Judy Blunt: Breaking Clean
Judy Blunt learned early how to "rope and ride and jockey a John
but also to bake bread and can vegetables and reserve my
opinion when the men were talking." These lessons carried her through
36-hour blizzards, devastating prairie fires, and a period of extreme
isolation that once threatened the life of her infant daughter. When
she decided to leave the ranch and her 12-year marriage to a man from
a neighboring ranch, her three children were all she could call her
own. Advance readers of this debut memoir have called it "heartbreaking,
mesmerizing, dramatic," "elegantly written and achingly honest,"
and "a magnificent achievement."
For other programs and more information about Women and Children First
Bookstore visit their website at www.womenandchildrenfirst.com
Women & Children First Bookstore is located
at: 5233 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60640, (773) 769-9299.
Feminist theologian Rita Nakashima Brock to
Lead Weekend Forum at Winnetka Congregational Church February 22-24
Rita was the winner of the 1988 Crossroad Women's
Studies award for her book "Journeys by Heart" and has a new book soon
to be published on "the search for what saves us." Her new book will
challenge traditional understandings of Jesus as "savior" and the way
Christian theology has perpetuated violence. E-mail Allen Mothershed
at allenm@wcc-joinus.org
for more details.
Thursday, February 28
Opening Reception
Presentation: Memories of Love and War
Kathleen Cleaver
4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Illinois Room, CCC, 750 S. Halsted, Chicago, IL
This program will feature Kathleen Cleaver, a major
voice in the Black Liberation movements of the 1960's and 70's with
former husband Eldridge Cleaver. Cleaver continues to speak out against
racism, sexism, and economic inequality. Cleaver will talk about her
personal story of transformation during the tumultuous revolutionary
movements of the '60's and '70's. She will also discuss the feminist
role in the race-based civil rights struggle of the Black Panthers.
Her writings and essays have appeared in numerous magazines, books,
and newspapers and her memoir, Memories of Love and War, is forthcoming
from Random House. Cleaver's presentation will begin at 5:00 p.m. Free
catered reception.
Suzan Erem is on the Road Promoting
Labor Pains, a Book about the Gritty Life of a Union Organizer
Herstory Project member Suzan Erem is on tour
promoting Labor Pains: Life Inside America's New Union Movement
based on her personal experience as a union organizer in Chicago. It's
an insider's compassionate but unromanticized account of the complexities
of working class resistance. Suzan recently joined the Herstory Project
to add her writing talents to our efforts.
Reading at:
Thursday, October 4th, 8pm, 15 S. Dubuque
St., T: (319) 337-2681 for info.
Amy Laiken and Sara Bornstein Among
Those to be Honored by the Chicago Abortion Federation.
The Chicago Abortion Federation(CAF) provides information,
referral, and direct financial assistance to low income women seeking
safe, affordable abortions. CAF also does extensive public education
and lobbying.
Former CWLUers Amy Laiken and Sarah Bornstein will be
among those honored by CAF at an October 19 celebration held at the
Hot House from 6-9 pm, 1 East Balbo. Call 312-663-0336 for ticket info.
There will be music, food and a special appearance by mystery writer
Sara Paretsky.
Amy and Sara were among the founders of the Chicago
Abortion Fund. They are also members of the CWLU Herstory Project
Conference on the Intellectual Contributions
of the Hull House Magazine to be held September 21-22 at the University
of Illinois at Chicago
Though best known for the settlement house work of people
like Jane Addams, Hull House on Chicago's Westside also published a
magazine for a brief time. Entitled Hull House Magazine and the Chicago
Cultural Front. 1930-1945;the conference will examine the writers
and artists associated with Hull House.
For more details visit the Hull House Museum website.
Project member Peg Strobel is one of the organizers of the conference.
Digital Eve Chicago will Hold its Official
Kickoff on September 13.
Chicagoland's online community for women in technology
is holding its first big public event Thursday evening September 13
at the Goodman Theater. Digital Eve is a network that helps women in
technology with technical and professional issues in that still largely
male dominated field. Former CWLUers Estelle Carol and Betsy
Martens are both active in Digital Eve. For more info visit the
Digital Eve website.
You may view their very cool poster HERE.
New Mexico Women's Summit to be held
in Albuquerque August 25
It's time to gather again for the 2nd annual NEW MEXICO
WOMEN'S SUMMIT. Women from across the state will be gathering to participate
in workshops,entertainment and networking with other women and exploring
those issues forwhich we have passion.
You can join a growing network of action circles or
form one of your own, attend an informative and empowering workshop
on Risk-Taking for Women, Creating Our Own Destinies, How to Network,
Using Creative Visualization and/or The Legislative Process, and help
us elect a new slate of leaders for the coming year.
To REGISTER contact Kathi Emmel at 841-8920,
ext. 104 or email info@nmwomen2000.org. Herstory Project member Joan
Berman is involved with this event.
COST: General registration - $35 (before Aug. 18)
Students and Seniors - $10
List of 2000 members - $25
General registration after Aug. 18 - $45
PLACE AND TIME: Saturday, August 25, 8:00 - 4:30 at Central United
Methodist Church, 1615 Copper (near University)
FREE CHILDCARE is being provided by licensed childcare workers.
LadyFest Midwest Chicago will Rock the Windy City
August 16-19
Ladyfest Midwest Chicago (LMC) is a multi-disciplinary,
four-day fest that will showcase the work of female artists, performers,
musicians, and activists primarily from Chicago and its surrounding
regions. LMC aims to promote women from diverse backgrounds working
in the fields of the creative arts and community building. LMC functions
as an entirely volunteer-driven, community-based, non-profit organization,
and although entirely organized by women, it is open to all people regardless
of age, race, or gender.
The goals of Ladyfest are as follows:
- To increase the visibility of women from the Midwest working in
the arts and activism
- To provide an open forum for women to discuss/debate contemporary
- To help foster and sustain the community of women in and around
- To fill the streets of Chicago's Wicker Park, Logan Square and Humboldt
- Park neighborhoods with four days of the most exciting and innovative
female-driven events ever to hit Chicago !
Site visits increase as we work on publicity.
Site visits have been steadily increasing since December
of 2000, the first full month we kept web statistics. We had 192 hits
on our homepage in November of 2000. As of today, May 28, we have 476
this month with another week to go in May. We are steadily e-mailing
feminist and women's studies websites, asking them to link to us. The
response has been generally positive and the results show in increased
traffic on our site. Site visitation trends can be misleading and have
their ups and downs. However, we are cautiously optimistic. We believe
that the key to return visits is to get women's studies teachers to
use our site as a resource for their students.
After we finish going through our list of women's studies
programs, we will contact university libraries, online historical archives,
and academic history departments. Its a slow but steady process. The
more sites who link to us, the higher we rank in search engines and
the more people who find us independently and link to us without our
prompting. A mass postal mailing to women's studies departments is planned.
A Call for Volunteers for Video Project on
Female Sexuality.
In 1972 Julie Gustafson, inspired by the widespread
consciousness raising groups within the feminist movement, produced
"The Politics of Intimacy", a video where 9 women (together
with Dr. Sherfy, one of the first doctors to write about female sexuality)
discuss their sexual experiences.
 In these 30 years society has made advances concerning
different issues, such as sexuality, modifying the traditional standards
and beliefs to accept that female sexual response differs in important
ways from male sexual response. But has it been widespread accepted?
Is female sexuality today as healthy as it should be or do myths still
Women Project 2001 is looking for VOLUNTEERS who want
to discuss their feelings, opinions and experiences for a documentary
video. If you want to participate, but prefer not to be identified,
don't worry, your face won't be shown.
E-mail Nelly at womenproject2001@yahoo.com
for more info.
Are you a college student in LA who loves political
graphics and is looking for a summer internship? Well read on.....
The Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG)
has received a grant from the Getty Grant Program to hire two undergraduate
students for full-time ten week internships this summer. Getty internships
are intended for members of groups under represented in the visual arts
professions, related to the visual arts, particularly individuals of
Latino/a, Native American, African American, Asian, and Pacific Islander
A number of Chicago Women's Graphics Collective posters
are archived at the Center and we consider the CSPG a sister organization.
Applicants must have completed at least one semester
of college by June 2001, not graduate before December 2001, and either
be residents of Los Angeles, or attend college in the Los Angeles area.
Interns will be introduced to all aspect of running a small non-profit
organization, work on upcoming exhibitions, learn how to use a museum
database program, and much more.
For more information on the internships, please see
their web site www.politicalgraphics.org
('Job Opportunities' link at bottom of main menu page) or email them
at cspg@politicalgraphics.org
Chicago Researcher Needs Lesbian Subjects:
Greater Chicago Area Only
The Chicago Health and Life Experiences of Women Study
(CHLEW)is one of the first and very few studies of lesbian health funded
by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). To improve the chances that
other studies such as CHLEW are funded, and to improve our understanding
of lesbian health the project is recruiting study participants.
One of the challenges of doing research with lesbians
is recruiting a diverse sample that is at least somewhat representative
of the racial/ethnic, age, education, and socioeconomic profile of women
in Chicago. Almost all lesbian health research in the past has included
predominately white, middle-class, well-educated women who are 30 to
40 years old. The CHLEW Study has interviewed over 370 lesbians thus
far, including more than 140 African American, 160 white, and 60 Latinas.
More than 75 women in the study are over 50 years old.
CHLEW hopes that recruiting a diverse sample will demonstrate
to NIH and other funding agencies that these traditionally underrepresented
women are willing to participate in research. In addition, and most
importantly, having high-quality research data about the health behaviors,
health concerns, and health-care experiences of lesbians will provide
health care practitioners with much needed information to plan more
culturally sensitive and appropriate health care.
CHLEW needs at least 75 more lesbians to participate
in the study. Although they still need women of color and older women,
their greatest need is to reach a target of 450 participants by the
end of the summer. All women who are 18 years or older, living in the
greater Chicago metropolitan area, and identifying as lesbian are eligible
to participate. The study involves a confidential face-to-face interview,
and participants receive $35 to compensate them for their time.
Interested women can call Tonda L. Hughes at
312-996-2504 to ask questions or request a brochure that describes the
study, or they can view the CHLEW website for more details: http://www.uic.edu/nursing/womenstudy
Lesbian of color over 50? Here's a chance to
tell your story.
Two California researchers wish to receive personal
narratives from lesbians of color over fifty for a new anthology. These
narratives need to address the intersections of diverse issues and attitudes:
culture, religion, ethics, family (parents, siblings, relatives, as
well as husbands, children and grandchildren), politics, age, career
and colleagues, friendships, same-sex spouses, family of same-sex spouses,
and other attitudes that have a clear and important impact on one's
decision to self-disclose.
The form should be a personal narrative that may include
other genres (poetry, lyrics, diary entries, letters, and so forth).
Manuscripts should not exceed twenty double-spaced, typed pages. Please
use 12 point font and submit a Macintosh diskette, using Word 5.0 or
later and two hard copies. The deadline for submission is July 1, 2001.
Early submissions are encouraged. Include your email address as well
as contact information.
Send to:
Elizabeth R. Kessler
Department of English
California State University at Northridge 18111, Nordhoff Street Northridge,
CA 91330-8248
For inquiries and more detailed information, email elizabeth.kessler@csun.edu
or mgonzalez@uh.edu.
The National Women's Music Festival Scheduled
for June 21-24 at Ball State University in Muncie, IN
Muncie, Indiana will be the gathering place for the
27th Annual National Women's Musical Festival from June 21-24. Discount
tickets are available until May 30. Besides the diverse women's music
which the Festival is known for, there will be workshops, sports competitions,
drama presentations, video showings and much, much more. Visit their
website at wiaonline.org/nwmf/
for more info.
New Production of Jane: Abortion
and the Underground is slated for Madison, Wisconsin beginning June
On June 7th 2001 Millennium Theater presents Jane:
Abortion and the Underground by Paula Kamen a play about
a group of Chicago area feminists who safely performed over 10,000 abortions
between 1969 and 1973. Mary Ellen OHara is the director.
"Jane" was the nickname for the Abortion Counseling Service,
a workgroup of the Chicago Women's Liberation Union. A number of former
CWLU members and associates are portrayed in the play.
Performances will be held Thursdays and Fridays, June
7-8 and 14-15 at 8 pm and Saturdays June 9th and 16th at 3 pm and 8
pm and Sunday June 10th at 5 pm at the Bartell Theatre (formerly the
Esquire) 113 E Mifflin St. The June 14th performance is a benefit for
Planned Parenthood. Tickets are $12 for all shows.
We will have more info including contact phone numbers
and the play's webpage as they become available. You may read the press
release HERE.
Women! Attend the Rebirth of the Peace
Movement in Illinois.
Illinois Peace Action has organized a Women's Retreat
and Training that will take place at First United Church of Oak Park,
on Saturday, June 9th from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Coffee, muffins,
and lunch provided.
The goal of the day-long event is to generate dialogue
between older and newer generations of female activists, build leadership
and facilitating skills in order to ensure gender balance within the
organization. This is imperative to Illinois Peace Action's efforts
to expose the connections between increased military spending and the
cuts in social spending which are felt by people of all strata in this
They encourage all women to come and if possible, bring
a budding sister activist! Mothers- bring your babes ! The church is
nursery is available and if it's nice out there is Austin Gardens nearby.
If you do need childcare please let them know for how many, so they
can recruit people for the children's activities.
For more information and to register please call Illinois
Peace Action at (312)939-3316.
Party with Paula Kamen and Sandi Wisenberg
on May 30 at the Chopin Theater 7 pm in Chicago
A multimedia extravaganza-palooza and party is being
sponsored by the Guild Complex on Wednesday, May 30 at 7 pm to celebrate
the release of Paula Kamen's "Her Way: Young Women Remake the
Sexual Revolution" and Sandi Wisenberg's "The Sweetheart Is In,"
a scintillating collection of fiction (on religion, sex, activism, all
the good stuff) just out from TriQuarterly Books/Northwestern U Press
(slwisenberg.com). §
Sandi, creative non-fiction editor of Another Chicago
Magazine, is a frequent contributor to the Chicago Reader and many other
publications, and teaches a variety of writing classes throughout the
city and suburbs.
The MC will be internationally acclaimed musician/rock
star §Ellen Rosner (ellenrosner.com), who will also perform.
Also featured: modern folk musician Donna Adler (who is putting
out a new CD for June, Alta Vista), poet Simone Muench (author
of The Air Lost in Breathing and an associate editor of ACM) and writers
Karen Wilson and Susan McLaughlin Karp. Cost is $5, $3 for
students and seniors. For more info, phone 773-227-6117.
Paula Kamen is a member of the Herstory Project. She
invites you to visit her website at www.paulakamen.com.

Susan Abod debut s her new CD with a benefit
Susan Abod invites you to attend "In the
Moment", a CD Release concert and celebration to benefit the Community
Art Center, Inc. in Cambridge MA. Susan is a Herstory Project member
and the former lead singer of the Chicago Women's Liberation Rock Band.
This is her first solo CD release. We have heard clips from it and Susan
sounds better than ever.
The concert is Saturday, May 19, 2001 at 8 PM, Little
Kresge Auditorium, MIT, 48 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, MA. Tickets:
$15.00 General Admission, $12.00 Low Income. Available in advance at:
The Community Art Center, Inc., 119 Windsor Street, Cambridge, MA Monday-Friday
10am-6PM and at the door the night of performance.
To order concert tickets by mail, send checks by May
15th, payable to: The Community Art Center, Inc., Attn.: Susan CD Release
Concert, PO Box 425554, Cambridge, MA 02142. INFORMATION: 617-868-7100
To order Susan's new CD, click HERE.
On the road with Paula Kamen: For
a Her Way book tour updated schedule, please click
Paula Kamen, author of "Jane: Abortion
and the Underground" and a Herstory Project contributor, is on
the road again to promote her latest book, Her Way: Young Women Remake
the Sexual Revolution. The book has gotten good reviews from Publishers
Weekly, Booklist, Nerve, Amazon.com. and the Chicago
Tribune. The book details how today's young women are exploring
the often contradictory sexual freedoms unknown to previous generations.
Based on personal interviews and drawing heavily from academic research,
the book is both informative and deeply moving.
You may order the book online through our Feminist
Marketplace. Paula will be back in Chicago on March 29 at the
Harold Washington library at 5:15 pm for a public appearance complete
with C-Span book taping. For a complete schedule, click
A Chicago highlight was a reading at Women and Children
First Bookstore to an SRO crowd on January 25. Paula answered questions
from her appreciative audience and joined Herstory Project supporters
for a late night snack and some intense feminist conversation at a nearby
restaurant. She is very upbeat about the book's reception and is working
hard to promote it across the country. We hope to post an audio clip
from one of her radio interviews .
Paula also appeared on WBEZ's (91.5 FM) "848" show at
10 a.m Wednesday, Jan. 17.
Paula's play, "Jane: Abortion and the Underground"
is scheduled for a June production in Madison, Wisconsin by the Millennium
She invites you to visit her website
to learn more about "Her Way" and her other projects.
Women's International Net Magazine(WIN)Needs
Your Help
WIN is a unique online publication that features feminist
writings from all over the entire planet, especially the Third World.
Editor Judith Colp Rubin is appealing for advertising and contributions
to keep this excellent news source alive and well. The publication reaches
8000 readers a month.
Visit WIN at http://www.winmagazine.org
to see how good it really is and to help out if you can.
A call for papers on any aspect of the writings
and film of the women's movement of the late 60's and 70's-April 15
Women's Liberation: The Grassroots Women's Movement
of the 1970's.
Twenty-minute presentations or papers on any aspect
of the writings or film of the women's movement of the late 60'sand
70' s. Do the works reflect or initiate movement concerns? Do they contribute
to the movement? Can significant comparisons or contrast be made between
works of that era and the "first wave" or the "third
wave"? Does the language, style, technique reflect and/or further
the ideologies of the period. Abstracts or papers due by April 15 for
a conference to be held in Atlanta, Georgia on Nov 9-11 2001.
For more info contact:
Nancy M. Whitt, Professor of English
Chair, Department of English
Samford University
Birmingham, AL 35229
Phone: 205-726-2458 Fax: 205-726-2112 E-mail: nmwhitt@samford.edu
Rethinking Our Future: International Women's
Day 2001 All-Day Conference held on March 10 in downtown Chicago: Complete
Schedule HERE
The all-day IWD conference held at DePaul was a very
moving intergenerational multiethnic event. The workshops were of very
high quality and at the end of the day, people gathered to express their
desire for an ongoing organization that would help link up the diverse
groups in Chicago's women's movement. The conference included selections
from Eve Ensler's "The Vagina Monologues" which provoked
laughter and sighs of self recognition from those in attendance.
Women and Children First Bookstore Goes
All Out for Women's History Month: Complete Schedule HERE
The fine folks at Chicago's favorite feminist bookstore
lined up an impressive list of discussions and forums. Some highlights
included a discussion of the state of Women's Studies on March 7. Herstory
Project member Judy Gardiner was among the panelists. On March
14, there was a celebration of Chicago women, honoring a number of people
for their contributions. Dr. Alice Dan of the UIC Center
for Research on Women & Gender was among those presenting. The Center
is the official sponsor of the Herstory Project.
There is plenty more to report, so for information on
these and other exciting events, plus a complete March-April schedule,
please click HERE.
The UIC Gender and Women's Studies Program
sponsors a "Sex and the City" panel and lecture series
Hoping to cast some light on the complexities of urban
sexual mores and practices, the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
Gender and Women's Studies Program and several other University organizations
are sponsoring a series of panels and lectures exploring the subject
from both modern and historical points of view.
CWLU Herstory Project member Estelle Carol designed
the poster for the event.
The series kicked off on February 13, 2001 and runs
through April 19. You may find the entire schedule and more info HERE.
CWLU Herstory Project partners with
the Center for Research on Women and Gender
The Herstory Project is now officially a partner with
the Center for Research on Women and Gender at the University of Illinois
at Chicago. We hope that our relationship with this respected research
center will help us in our fundraising efforts. Special thanks to Dr.
Alice Dan, Director of the Center, for helping facilitate the process.
Thanks too to Dr. Margaret "Peg" Strobel for helping
us navigate through the complexity of UIC's many programs.
Chicago NOW and the Chicago Foundation
for Women commemorated Roe vrs. Wade with a Reproductive Rights Discussion
There was a reception and panel discussion on reproductive
rights at Chicago's Harold Washington Library sponsored by the Chicago
Foundation for Women and NOW on January 22, 2001. Herstory Project members
attended the panel discussion. Discussion focused on the reproductive
rights of younger women, minority women and disabled women. Both panelists
and audience members expressed anger and dismay about efforts by the
Bush administration to restrict women's hard won reproductive rights.
"Rebels With a Cause" played in Chicago to appreciative
This full length
documentary film tells the story of the Students for a Democratic Society
(SDS), which led many student protests in the 1960's. A number of CWLU
members belonged to SDS before joining the women's liberation movement.
The film was produced by Helen Garvy. It received a positive
review in the Chicago Tribune. You may visit the website for
"Rebels with a Cause" at www.sdsrebels.com
Several former
CWLUers attended the packed January 28th Saturday afternoon showing.
The audience was very mixed age-wise. After the movie, Amanda Klonsky,
daughter of Sue Klonsky, one of the former SDSers featured in
the film, got up to announce that several of her associates had just
been busted for passing out anti-sweatshop leaflets at a nearby NikeTown.
Amanda passed a hat and got money to help bail out her bothers and sisters
in struggle. It was an emotional moment of intergenerational solidarity.
of Broadside" nominated for two Grammies
This 5 CD set of some of America's best protest
songs and movement anthems features the music of many artists including
Pete Seeger, Nina Simone, Phil Ochs, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Tom Paxton,
Bernice Johnson Reagon and Malvina Reynolds. Among those
featured is Kristin Lems singing her ERA anthem, "We Will
Never Give Up". Kristin played at our October benefit and has a
song on our site.
For more information about this fine collection visit http://bestofbroadside.com.
Herstory Project has changed our web host
We changed our webhost on January 3. Our old web
host, Enteract, did a good job, but our new host, Pair Networks, offers
more space for less cost and has an e-commerce option. There were some
minor technical glitches while the changeover was completed. A few links
failed to work and had to be fixed. E-mail us if you see any more problems
we missed.
Joan Berman donates more photos
Joan Berman , a member the Herstory Project recently
lent us slides of the CWLU trip to China for us to scan. Joan also shared
some photos from DARE (Direct Action for Rights in Employment).These
photos were added to the site the week of January 28.
Former CWLUer Heather Booth heads up NAACP
voter registration efforts
Heather Booth, a founding member of the CWLU, is
now executive director of the NAACP National Voter Project and played
a key role organizing a higher than expected turnout of minority voters
in the 2000 Presidential election.
She appeared on CSPAN in late November to explain
how that was done. Heather has come full circle. In 1964 she traveled
to Mississippi to work in the Freedom Summer voter registration drive.
Three civil rights workers lost their lives to KKK violence in that
In the wake of the disputed Florida election results,
the NAACP has launched a lawsuit charging numerous attempts to intimidate
minority voters and throw out votes from minority communities.
We salute the NAACP's efforts. Every vote counts.
Count every vote.
For more details about Heather's work, please click
here .
Herstory Project fundraising news
Jenny Knauss, Amy Laiken and Julie Zavala
worked hard to submit a funding proposal to the Girls Best Friend foundation
to help develop a girls section of the website. Unfortunately, Julie's
recent illness prevented her from completing the details necessary for
the Foundation to consider the proposal. Girls Best Friend has invited
us to resubmit at a later time. Thanks also to Sue Davenport
for her sage advice on the subject of foundations and grants.
We are investigating the possibilities of a National
Endowment for the Humanities grant. We have been communicating with
the Birmingham Civil Rights Museum about working with them on an NEH
funded web history project about the early days of the women's liberation
movement in Chicago. Jo Freeman is working with the Civil Rights
Museum on that project. We are also in communication with NEH directly
and will keep you posted on details.
